Freedom Gender Politics Women

AIDWA Demands Resignation of Minister of State for External Affairs, M J Akbar

The All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA) demands the immediate resignation of the Minister of State for External Affairs, M J Akbar against whom many complaints of molestation, sexual assault and harassment have been made.

The harrowing experiences narrated by Ghazala Wahab of the sexual depredations that she had to face as an intern in Asian Age by the then editor M J Akbar is extremely shocking. Several accounts of sexual assault and harassment by the former newspaper editor-turned BJP minister have come to light. So far, allegations of sexual harassment have been made against him by six journalists. AIDWA strongly stands in support of Ghazala and all the women who have bravely brought out the horrendous details of the exploitation that they have suffered through the #MeToo campaign.

AIDWA is deeply concerned at the deafening silence of the Modi government which exposes its indifference towards the trauma and insecurities these working women have had to undergo. It is condemnable that the Ministry of External Affairs has so far declined to comment on the matter despite so many complaints against its minister.The government must institute an urgent inquiry into these complaints so that the perpetrator of these crimes against can be brought to justice. Any further delay in taking action will only show its tacit support and protection to the people accused of violence against women.

AIDWA calls upon all its units to organise protest actions against sexual violence and demand the resignation of M J Akbar. It will hold a protest demonstration tomorrow at 12:30 pm at Jantar Mantar in Delhi. We appeal to all organisations and individuals fighting against violence against women to join this protest.

Malini Bhattacharya                                                                  

Mariam Dhawale                                                               
General Secretary

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