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Appropriating Icons, Now Its Tina Dabi’s Turn

Why are Modi Bhakts and Votaries of the Hindu Rashtra so Keen to Appropriate Dalit Woman UPSC Topper Tina Dabi?

Bhakts tried to say Tina Dabi was Anti-Reservation, Tina Dabi Clarifies her Views on Facebook

Photo Credit: PTI

In this interview with National Dastak Tina Dabi speaks of her great admiration for Babasaheb Ambedkar.

It all began he day before yesterday, May 15, at about 6.39 p.m. Tina Dabi the lively young IAS topper who crashed several glass ceilings to make it to the front pages of Indian newspapers  faced her real life media challenge. Thirty five or so fake accounts opened by many propagandists who seem to believe that Social media is the new mode of revolution –be it of the Hindutvawaadi or any other kind –tried to appropriate her as a pro-Modi (Modi bhakt some would say) anti-reservationist.
Vigilants on the other side of the ideological spectrum caught this move out.

Here are Tina Dabi’s own words after this sharp dose of Goebbelsian reality

Tina Dabi, 18 hrs ·
Hello Friends,
It has come to my notice that some anti-social elements have made around 35 fake facebook profiles and pages under my name and are posting obnoxious statements posing as me.
I want to clarify that none of the ridiculous statements being made under my name are my opinions.
Its really heartbreaking for me to see that a few anti social elements can't even allow a simple girl who has done hardwork to remain in peace.
I request one and all to kindly report all such fake profiles and pages made under my name as their sole purpose is just to tarnish my image.
I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Apparently there are 35 false accounts of the UPSC topper!

Kavita Krishnan, the erudite writrer, political activist and feminist was among those who ‘exposed the fraud.’ Shilpi Tiwari it appears was the one guilty of this pseudo promotion. Zealous in her sangh inspired campaign, we are told that she assiduously circulated the controversial (and sic) video about Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) showing it to be a ‘den of vice.’

Here are some posts
Kavita Krishnan ने पोल खोली:
Same Sanghi Shilpi Tiwari who circulated fake videos of JNU, is circulating fake posts of ‪#‎TinaDabi, IAS topper, to show her as pro Modi, anti reservation. See Ms Dabi's real post expressing sadness at the fake profiles and posts.
Kavita Krishnan added 2 new photos.
7 hrs ·
Same Sanghi Shilpi Tiwari who circulated fake videos of JNU, is circulating fake posts of ‪#‎TinaDabi, IAS topper, to show her as pro Modi, anti reservation. See Ms Dabi's real post (ABOVE) expressing sadness at the fake profiles and posts.

This was the fake post of Shilpi Tiwari

But that Shilip is part of the Modi Bhakt Gang can be seen from this post 12 hours ago

स्वतंत्रता दिवस की शुभकामनाएं।
८०० वर्ष उपरांत भारत / दिल्ली में भारतीयों का राज। १६ मई, २०१६ – नया हिन्दू स्वराज्य।Independence Day of wishes.
After 800 years in Delhi / India Indian Raj. May 16, 2016-new hindu swaraj.

The Image is here

There is also more juicy unauthenticated vitriol against both the Left and the Congress !

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