Angelina Jolie slams the ‘riding tide in nationalism masquerading as patriotism’

Hollywood star Angelina Jolie has called for the need to keep fighting the ‘riding tide in nationalism masquerading as patriotism’ at a speech delivered at the Annual Sergio Viera de Mello Momorial lecture at the UN Assembly Hall in Geneva, Switzerland.

Angelina Jolie

She stressed on the importance of inclusion and internationalism at a time when social tensions in the US and Europe are at an all-time high, according to Breitbart.

 Jolie, the special envoy for the UN’s High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) called upon people to “keep the flame of internationalism alive”, while also saying, “I am a proud American and I am an internationalist. I believe anyone committed to human rights is”.

“We are grappling with a level of conflict and insecurity that seems to exceed our capability, with more refugees than ever before, with new wars erupting on top of existing conflict. We are seeing a rising tide in nationalism masquerading as patriotism and the reemergence of policies encouraging fear and hatred of others”, she added.   



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