The continuation of Girish Tripathi as Vice Chancellor, BHU and in the post if Chairmanship of the Board of Governors(BOG) of BHU-IIT is not only against the interests, autonomy and integrity of the renowned university, his functioning has bypassed statutory norms, sources have told Sabrangindia.. Appropriate steps should be therefore immediately taken by the MHRD University, has been the demand. Documents in the possession of Sabrangindia reveal how he has not only not taken decisions and discussions at the Board of Governors seriously but has also been accsued of ‘doctoring’ minutes.
Meanwhile, the Indian Express has just reported that VC Girish Tripathi has ‘gone on leave.’
For a year and two months the BOG of BHU-IIT have not met.
The last and fourth meeting of the BOGs of BHU took place on July 8, 2017. The VC is chairman of the BOG. The meeting took place at his residence. Important decisions were taken at the meeting. Shockingly, to date, a year and more after the meeting took place not only have the minutes of the last meeting that reflect discussions and decisions that took place not been circulated, but no further meeting has been held. Important decisions taken at the BOG meeting have not been implemented.
Copy of the Document that Reflects the Draft minutes has been accessed by Sabrangindia.
On July 23, 2016 draft minutes and decisions were compiled and sent to the VC. A reminder dated August 2, 2016 regarding the delay in finalisation of minutes was sent. Revised minutes were circulated by tHe VC dated September 5, 2016 to which a reply was sent dated September 12, 2016 pointing out errors and omissions. Crucial decisions taken at the BOG were simply missing from the minutes circulated by the VC.
In this connection, Prof Dhananjay Pandey on September 13, JS Rajput on September 14, RaJeev Sangal on September 16, Onkar Singh on September 17, Narendra Ahuja on September 20 and Prof Ganesh Nagariya on September 23 wrote separate emails urging another meeting of the BOG to reflect and discuss on the doctored minutes. The communications also urged a Video Recording of the proceedings of the BOG to enable objective documentation of the proceedings. ReMinfers were sent on October 8, 2016. Oral reminders on the matter of incomplete minutes were given again and on October 23 and again on November 4, 2017.
After July 8, 2016 there has been only one special sitting if the BHU-IIT BOG when rules demand atleast two meryongs of the BOG every academic year.
The conduct of tHe VC, Girish Tripathi in completely bypassing norms and procedures of the BHU-IIT is now reflected in his undemocratic actions vis a vis the student community, especially the young women students, in general.
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