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‘I am going to take them head on.’ Digvijay Singh, senior Congress leader



When, following the assembly poll results in December, VHP leaders arrogantly announced that the sangh parivar would replicate the ‘Gujarat experiment’ in the rest of India, Congress chief minister, Digvijay Singh dared them to try it in Madhya Pradesh. He even went so far as to aver that if the BJP returned to power in his state after the Assembly elections due later this year, he would retire from politics.

However, some of the recent moves made by him have left many in the secular camp wondering whether he, too, is pursuing the disastrous ‘soft Hindutva’ strategy that the Congress resorted to in Gujarat.

The chief minister spoke to Teesta Setalvad telephonically on the evening of February 19, the day the sangh parivar tried to storm its way into the Bhojshala in Dhar and resorted to violence. Excerpts from the interview:

Q: Of late there has been a lot of discomfort among secularists because you have brought religious issues — cow slaughter, demands to reclaim the Saraswati idol from the UK and opening the Bhojshala for worship – into public life. How do you justify these measures?

A: We must understand the psyche of people here. There are certain sentiments that need to be respected, even while being unequivocal on the question that secularism should and does mean that the State will have no religion.

Having said that, about the recent consternation on the situation in Madhya Pradesh, I would like to remind people that the Congress has always pioneered the move against cow slaughter, since the 1920s. Gandhiji’s writings are a clear indication of this. Again, it was the Congress that led the movement for legislation banning cow slaughter in 1959. Today, I am simply implementing that.

It is in pursuance of this commitment that my government is giving land for gaushalas. If the animals are kept there and if vermiculture (which is important for organic farming) is started, then the whole preservation of their life becomes viable. There is also the question of urine therapy on which there has been much research and interest. If urine is sold at Rs 4–5 a litre this adds to the viability of the gaushalas in the state. So we are trying this at various levels to make the whole thing viable. What is wrong with that?

Q: What about the accusation that in this election year you are trying to beat the BJP on its own turf?

A: In MP, as should be the case in every other part of India, every person has a right to propagate his or her religion and not be harassed or victimised by a person from another faith. I repeat, in my perception, secularism is the only alternative and there has been no departure from it — the State will have no religion. Every person will have the right to practice his belief without fear or favour.

As for the accusation that I am raking these issues up in election year, who has raked up these issues? It is they, the BJP, who have brought them up. So my stand was, and is, clear: I must take them head on.

For example, in Ganj Bansoda, where an incident of cow slaughter was sought to be exploited by communal forces, the incident was promptly investigated by our district administration and any violence or its spill over controlled within three-four hours. At present, there are seven people behind bars under NSA in connection with this incident.

‘The VHP has never constructed a temple. It is only interested in disputed sites! Why? Because that way they can amass funds from abroad!’

Similarly, let’s take the Bhojshala issue. The issue is not a new one. It has been used periodically by the BJP to rake up religious/communal sentiments. Now, this monument is under the protection of the ASI (Archaeological Survey of India). Under a ruling of the ASI, the Muslims are allowed to pray there every Friday and Hindus on Bhoj utsav day, that is, on Vasant Panchami. We, that is, the state government, are only there to implement and enforce the ASI order.

Incidentally, there are no idols there to which puja can be performed. Then why is the sangh parivar, helped ably by the BJP, raking up this issue now? Is anyone asking that? They are raking it up because their sole and ultimate aim is to create a Hindu–Muslim divide and also to create a law and order situation in a state like Madhya Pradesh in this election year and disrupt the harmony between communities that prevails. They are willing to go to any extent in this matter.

Can you believe this? I receive a letter from a central minister, Mr Jagmohan, dated February 13, 2003, stating that that he has received a representation from the BJP/RSS/VHP. He says in the letter that he would like to know the opinion of the state government on whether the ASI order can be relaxed and puja allowed at the place more often.

Now, why is there no speculation about the motive and timing of this letter by a senior functionary of the central government? We are very clear. We will enforce the ASI ruling on the matter.

When I received this letter, I sent it to the district administration and asked them to call an all-party meeting to discuss different views on the issues. That meeting was to take place today (Feb. 19). I had communicated to the Centre that the decision of the administration, taken after an all–party meeting, which had been called, would be communicated back to the Centre. But even before this meeting could be procedurally called and a decision communicated, brute force and bullying tactics were sought to be used. Today, these forces, which are not interested in consensual or dialogic politics, went ahead and decided to force entry. So the government of Madhya Pradesh acted. They were prevented from breaking the law so they resorted to calling a bandh in the entire district of Dhar. We imposed curfew and 15 of our policemen had to suffer due to their violent behaviour. But we upheld the rule of law, respected the standing ASI order. Though the police had to open fire, fortunately there was no loss of life.

I am very clear on the issue. I am going to take them head on. We have invoked the Special Area Securities Act (SASA) and will detain all those who try and deliberately foment disorder and divisiveness and break the law of the land.

Coming back to your point on the kind of issues they rake up, you cannot be in public life without reacting. You have to take them head on. On the Bhojshala issue and the question of the idol of Saraswati being brought back from London, which I have raised, there is a certain background. It shows the Machiavellian politics of the sangh parivar, which has nothing to do with a belief in Hinduism, or its fundamentals or a concern for its culture. It is a simple desire to foment hatred. This is why I am taking these issues up to expose their shallowness in dealing with them.

In 1998, during the previous BJP regime at the Centre, the VHP had challenged the ASI order on the Bhojshala in the MP High Court. Their advocate, by the way, was Mr. Mahajan, husband of Sumitra Mahajan. The facts are that the ASI had, at the time, in its own affidavit filed in a court of law, stated on oath that in their opinion, this place of worship is neither a temple nor a mosque and that the idol that was originally installed there may not be that of Saraswati but that of Yashi Ambica of the Jain dharma.

This was what the government of India’s advocate stated on the basis of what the ASI had stated in its affidavit, countering the VHP claim. Fortunately, the ASI was concerned with historical realities, not political games.

Today, what I am saying? Simply that it is the state government’s job to maintain law and order and for the ASI in its professional wisdom to decide what the structure is. The ball is squarely in the ASI’s court.

As far as ground realities are concerned, the all–party meeting called by the administration today was meant to solicit suggestions. But were they willing to wait and solve the issue in a dialogic and civilised way? No, they rushed in with their brazen attempt to break the law of the land. So, the state came down heavily on them.

One more thing. If the idol were to be brought back from London, we will know for certain whose idol it is. Incidentally, the VHP/RSS/BJP have never done something constructive like trying to get the idol back. They simply rake up issues to divide people.

The VHP has never constructed a temple. It is only interested in disputed sites! Why? Because that way they can amass funds from abroad! They are not responsible or constructive enough to ever build a temple from the funds that they collect! Hence, my effort is to deal with them in a subtle, yet direct, manner.

Q: What according to you are the non-negotiables in a secular State?

A: Utter separation, or distance of the State from religion. The protection of every individual’s right to belief and worship. Firm steps to prevent any disruption of law and order. The MP government has issued stern and standing instructions to district collectors and SPs on how the administration must behave whenever there are any attempts to foment communal violence, that no favour or leniency should be shown to the aggressors, whoever they may be.

As you already know, my government has also banned the distribution of trishuls because their systematic distribution had nothing to do with the tenets of the Hindu faith. Programmes for trishul distribution are being undertaken simply to arm sections of civil society and terrorise other sections within it. We have also disallowed any arms being flaunted or carried in religious processions.

This is what secularism in theory and practice is for me. 

Archived from Communalism Combat, February 2003 Year 9  No. 84, Cover Story 2

Godhra, The Tribunal’s Findings


As the Sabarmati Express travelled back from Ayodhya on its return journey to Ahmedabad, kar sevak girls and boys armed with trishuls and lathis, were getting down at every station and shouting slogans like, “Mandir Vahin Banayenge!”, “Jai Shriram!”, “Muslim Bharat Chodo, Pakistan Jao” (“Muslims, Quit India! Go to Pakistan”), “Dudh mango tho kheer denge, Kashmir mango tho cheer denge” (“Ask for milk and we’ll give you pudding, But ask for Kashmir and we’ll cut you up”). Many passengers felt harassed by this behaviour but were constrained to silence because the kar sevaks had captured all the reserved seats and the train was jam–packed. (Statement made by the IGP, Railways, PP Agja to the Times of India on March 29, 2002).

 The train reached Godhra station at 7.30 a.m. on February 27, 2002. There were certain incidents on the platform. There were some reports to the effect that a Muslim girl was molested by the kar sevaks who attempted to pull her into the train. The attempt to take her into the train was averted due to the intervention by Muslim vendors at the Godhra railway station.

As the train left the platform, at 7.48 a.m., it was immediately stopped by someone pulling the chain. The obvious reason for this was to enable some of the kar sevaks who were still left behind on the platform to enter the train. The train proceeded for about a kilometre. At Singal Falia the train stopped. Whether this was on account of someone pulling the chain or otherwise is not clear. The engine driver, at that point of time, had only seen someone from outside pelting stones at the train though not at coach S–6. Soon thereafter, coach S–6  was on fire. The question is, how did the fire occur?

The version of the government appears to be that the Ghanchi Muslims residing near the railway station, who had gathered in large numbers, threw fireballs into the train and that resulted in the fire. The government version also has it that that there were about 2,000 Muslims who were bent on attacking the kar sevaks.

The full capacity of the train is 1,100. But, in fact, the train at that time had about 2,000 passengers, of which about 1,700 were kar sevaks. As far as coach S–6 of the Sabarmati Express is concerned, the reservation capacity is 72. However, it was jam–packed on that day. Only one coach (S–6) was burned and even in that coach one is not sure how many passengers were kar sevaks. The train had 11 coaches with vestibule connection and the kar sevaks were spread all over the train. So why did anyone target coach S–6? If 2,000 Muslims had gathered there, could they not have attacked the other coaches? Again, did anyone try to come out from the other coaches? If it is reasonably presumed that some of the passengers, including kar sevaks, rushed out, did anyone attack them? On all these questions there is no satisfactory answer.

In all, 58 bodies were found in coach S–6, out of which 26 were of women, 12 were of children and 20 were of men. It appears that 43 persons sustained injuries, of whom only 5 were admitted to the hospital. The rest were treated for minor injuries like bruises, and were allowed to go. Out of the five admitted to hospital, one died, and the rest were discharged after 3 or 4 days. The collector of Godhra told the Tribunal that only five bodies could be identified on the basis of articles or things which were on their person. Thus, no one could say with certainty that the dead bodies were all of kar sevaks.

Mystery of the Fire
A very significant fact is that coach S–6 was the only one that got burnt. It is also not clear whether the train was stopped because of the fire in the coach or the coach was set on fire after the train stopped. If it was the latter, why was the train stopped at all? It is reasonable to presume that because of the fire in the coach, someone must have pulled the chain and the train was stopped by the engine driver.

As the train left Godhra station, all the windows and doors of Coach S–6 were closed. Since there was stone throwing on the train, it is reasonable to presume that similar was the situation in all the other coaches. In other words, as the train stopped, nobody from outside was in a position to identify any particular person in any particular coach, so as to target any particular person/s. If kar sevaks were the target, they were overwhelmingly present in the entire train and the whole train could have been set on fire. The fact that the fire did not even spread to the remaining coaches, is a clear indication that the fire originated in that compartment itself. That also explains why only persons in that coach died.
In all probability, as the fire broke out, there was extreme panic and, the compartment being over–packed, many of the able-bodied persons managed to escape through the vestibules to the other coaches, leaving mostly women and children behind, who must have succumbed to the smoke and suffocation and fallen down in a pile, one over the other. The evidence also suggests that the passengers had stacked their belongings against the doors and it was just not possible for anyone to escape from or enter the coach.

On 7–5–2002, we inspected the coach and the site where it was burnt. The site where the train stopped is an elevated bund. From the ground level, the height of the bund could be about 12–15 feet and it is a slope. At the top, there is hardly enough space for 2,000 persons to assemble on either side of the track. Assuming that so many had gathered at that spot, the crowd would be spread over a much larger area than the stretch of coach S–6. This is only to indicate that if the government version is true, the other coaches would have been as easy a target as Coach S–6. Again, if one takes into account the height of the bund and the height of the train, and if fire-balls were to be thrown at the train, the outside of the coach should have shown signs of being charred. But we found that there were no such marks below the windows; the charred marks were to be seen only around the windows and above that height. This is a clear indication that the fire started inside the coach and the flames leaping out of the windows singed the outside of the compartment, above window level. Therefore, even to the naked eye, it was clear that the fire was from within and not from outside.

Our own observations were subsequently confirmed by the reports of the Forensic Science Laboratory. Among its other findings, the relevant section of the Forensic Science Laboratory, Ahmedabad (Spot Investigation Report No.2 regarding CR No. 9/2002, Godhra Railway Police Station) filed by Dr. MS Dahiya, assistant director, states: “… if the inflammable fluid is thrown from outside, then a major part of it would fall around the track outside and catch fire and cause damage to the outer part of bottom side of the coach. But after examination of the coach and the track, no effect was found of the fire on bottom side below the windows of the coach. By taking into consideration this fact, and also the burning pattern of the outer side of the coach, a conclusion can be drawn that no inflammable fluid had been thrown inside from outside the coach…

“There also appears to be no possibility that any inflammable liquid was thrown through the door of the bogie… If the period after the train had started from Godhra Railway Station, intensity of fire, the degree of burn of the objects that were inside the bogie etc. are taken into account, it can also be concluded that a large quantity (around 60 liters) of highly inflammable fluid was used to set the aforesaid fire and that the fire had spread very rapidly… By observing the condition of the frames of the windows of the coach, it appears that all the windows of the coach were closed during the time of the fire.”

Thus, it is clear that the fire came from inside… The FSLR shows that for such an intensity of fire, 60 litres of inflammable liquid had to be poured into the coach, “by using a wide mouthed container”. The question is, where is this container? There is no evidence of anyone carrying 60 litres of inflammable liquid. At what point of time was this taken inside the coach, or into the passage? Who was travelling in the train? If such a large number of kar sevaks, armed with trishuls and in such an aggressive mood, were inside the train, how could Ghanchi Muslims enter the train? And how could they have carried so much petrol openly, or even clandestinely, for that would have been found out in no time. So the mystery of the fire remains, the only thing certain being the fact that it came from within.

Was Godhra Pre–Planned?
The evidence as analysed above clearly indicates that the incident was not pre-planned by the Muslims, as alleged by the government. In this connection, we would like to refer to a statement made by the IGP, Railways, PP Agja recorded by the Times of India on March 29, to the effect that there is no evidence of a pre-planned conspiracy behind the Godhra incident. “The case is still being investigated and if there was some deep conspiracy, then we are yet to find it,’’ said Shri Agja. He further told The Times of India.

Immediate Reaction of the Administration and the Government
The local district magistrate/collector was the first to reach the scene of the incident. The Prime Minister of India, Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee made a statement in Parliament at noon on February 27, asking people to maintain calm since the Godhra incident was a response to “slogan shouting”. “An inquiry is being held and it will ascertain facts — what happened and why did it happen? But, from the preliminary reports, it appears that the train was stopped maybe because slogans were being shouted in the train and clashes took place. The Gujarat government has ordered an inquiry. ” (Extracts from a compilation by the PMO on PM’s reactions to the event thereafter to media persons at Hyderabad House, New Delhi, February 27, 2002, posted on the PM’s website).

From 8.30 a.m., just after the fire on the Sabarmati Express took place, until 7.30 p.m. that evening, repeated statements by the Godhra district collector, Smt. Jayanthi Ravi relayed on Doordarshan and Akashwani (radio) stated that “the incident was not pre–planned, it was an accident.”

The chief minister of Gujarat, Shri Narendra Modi, accompanied by health minister, Shri Ashok Bhatt and other cabinet colleagues, arrived in Godhra around 2 p.m. that day. After meeting the collector, he decided to take the bodies to Ahmedabad. It was the decision of Shri Modi to take the badly charred bodies to Ahmedabad against the advice of the district administration. Initially, the chief minister and his colleagues had wanted to take the bodies in the same train onwards to Ahmedabad. The district administration strongly advised against this for law and order reasons, after which a motor cavalcade drove the bodies to the Sola Civil Hospital at Ahmedabad.

If such a large number of kar sevaks, armed with trishuls and in such an aggressive mood, were inside the train, how could Ghanchi Muslims enter the train? And how could they have carried so much petrol? So the mystery of the fire remains, the only thing certain being the fact that it came from within.

At 7.30 p.m., chief minister, Shri Modi made a public broadcast in which, for the first time, he put forward the ‘ISI hand behind the Godhra incident’ version. Thereafter, the then home minister, Shri Advani also ominously pointed to the “ISI hand.” Union defence minister, Shri George Fernandes, too, joined the chorus of voices, alleging that there was “a foreign hand” behind Godhra.

What could have been confined to Godhra and Godhra alone was taken and broadcast to all of Gujarat state. All that followed was directly related to Shri Modi’s decision to carry Godhra to the whole state instead of containing the issue therein.

Bandh Call and the Preparation
On the evening of February 27, after visiting Godhra, Shri Modi announced that there would be a state bandh the next day. This was after the VHP and BD had already  given the bandh call. Thereafter, the chief minister called a meeting of senior police officers. At this meeting, specific instructions were given by him in the presence of cabinet colleagues, on how the police should deal with the situation on the bandh day.  The next day, i.e., on the day of the bandh, there was absolutely no police bandobast. The state and city (Ahmedabad) police control rooms were taken over by two ministers, i.e., Shri Ashok Bhatt and Shri Jadeja. Repeated pleas for help from people were blatantly turned down.

Senior ministers from Shri Modi’s cabinet organised a meeting late in the evening on February 27, in Lunavada village of Sabarkantha district. Shri Ashok Bhatt, the state health minister and minister Prabhatsinh Chauhan from Lunavada attended. At this meeting, a diabolical plan was drawn and disseminated to the top 50 leaders of the BJP/RSS/BD/VHP, on the method and manner in which the 72–hour–long carnage that followed was to be carried out.

According to confidential evidence recorded by the Tribunal, these instructions were blatantly disseminated by the government, and in most cases, barring a few sterling exceptions, methodically carried out by the police and the IAS administration. There is no way that the debased levels of violence that were systematically carried out in Gujarat could have been allowed, had the police and district administration, the IPS and the IAS, stood by its constitutional obligation and followed Service Rules to prevent such crimes.

As is amply evident from the voluminous evidence recorded by the Tribunal, and substantive other evidence made available to it, investigating officials have yet to find any proof of the Godhra atrocity being pre–planned. Nonetheless, Shri Modi, union home minister, Shri Advani and others continue to reiterate the distorted version of the motive behind the incident at Godhra. The electoral and related advantages for these persons in power, set to gain from the misconceptions and prevarications around Godhra, need to be understood and exposed for what they are. Thousands of innocent citizens became victims to this cynical game of politics and the priorities for India as a country were derailed by these perpetrators of hatred and division, some of whom even hold the reins of government.

It is apparent that by the evening of February 27, a well thought out scheme to extract maximum political capital out of Godhra had been launched. As part of this scheme, at around 2.30 a.m., the bodies of the kar sevaks were brought to Ahmedabad. Around 500 people were waiting outside Sola Civil Hospital in Ahmedabad for the charred bodies to arrive from Godhra. By 3.35 a.m. on February 28, a convoy of five trucks led by a pilot Gypsy entered the hospital compound.
Sloganeering started: ‘Kar sevak, amar raho!’ and ‘Hindu ekta zindabad!’ as  small bundles carrying the victims’ remains were off–loaded onto waiting stretchers. Vows for vengeance and shouts of ‘Jai Shri Ram!’ resounded throughout the hospital compound as a martyrs’ honour was accorded to the Godhra victims.

The state government and the administration, instead of appealing for restraint and peace, became the agents of a well–planned action against innocent Muslims of the state that was in fact projected as a ‘reaction.’ The corpses of the unfortunate victims of the Godhra arson were used to launch a statewide pogrom of decimation that has not entirely stopped to date.

A point to be noted is evidence recorded by the media, of ordinary victims of the Godhra arson, who did not wish to be part of any political project of “vengeance”. The Times of India (March 3, 2002) quoted Govind Makwana, who lost his son Umakant (22) in the fire that engulfed coach S–6 of the Sabarmati Express. “I am extremely disturbed by what is happening in our area. I had pleaded with folded hands to all who came to my son’s cremation to restrain themselves and maintain peace. Killing other people is not a solution. Losing a son is shattering, and I want no father or mother to suffer from this feeling”.

Was ‘Godhra’ Allowed to Happen?
The crucial issue before the entire nation today is why ‘Godhra’ happened? Who failed in their duty in preventing it?

Gujarat and indeed the whole country was on red alert due to the aggressive mobilisation by the VHP for building the temple (‘shila pujan’) at Ayodhya (on March 15). In Mumbai, the police made as many as 8,000 preventive arrests in the first week of March, to keep the situation under strict control. In contrast, even after Godhra happened, the Gujarat police arrested only two persons in Ahmedabad, both of whom were Muslims.

A noticeable lapse in Godhra and in the anticipation and handling of the violence, was the blatant ignoring of the basic principles of law and order maintenance and governance in Godhra. The fact that kar sevaks were expected on this route and the fact that Godhra has a fragile communal history were, and are, themselves enough for additional precautionary deployment. All these factors are enough to make any responsible citizen wonder why adequate preventive deployment was absent during the Godhra arson.

Role of Fanatical Organisations
Godhra, and the tragic death of 58 passengers through gruesome burning, was picked up and propagated in Gujarat and all over the country by many fanatical organisations connected closely with the ruling BJP in Gujarat.These include the parent RSS, the VHP and the Bajrang Dal.

A serious and gross misrepresentation of facts was resorted to by these conglomerate organisations in a nationwide bid to create a hysteria over the Godhra tragedy and thus justify the state–sponsored carnage that was allowed to take place.
Within a fortnight of the statewide carnage, the RSS spokesperson, Shri MG Vaidya described it as the  “natural reaction of Hindus” and gave a clean chit to the Modi administration in Gujarat, saying “no government could have controlled the
upsurge.” (The Times of India, March 16, 2002).

Worse still, the publications brought out by the RSS and its affiliates spread systematic and sinister misinformation about Godhra. For instance, in two publications brought out by the Hindu Samvad Kendra, Ahmedabad, the following ‘facts’ are listed to prove that Godhra was pre-planned:

  • Passengers of a particular religion (read Muslims) were asked to get down at Dahod, the station before Godhra;
  • The patients of a particular community (read Muslims) were discharged from the civil hospital of Godhra one day before February 27; not a single case against anyone from a particular community (read Muslims) was registered on February 27, 2002;  
  • Not a single student or a teacher of a particular community (read Muslims) was present in the schools of Godhra on February 27;
  • Another canard that was spread deliberately was that no one from the minorities or the secular parties ever condemned Godhra.

The Tribunal investigated each of these allegations during its investigation and visit to Godhra. The fact that the district administration at Godhra and elsewhere took no initiative to scotch these fabricated stories, being used in the cynical and never-ending cycle of violence, speaks poorly of it and also reveals the state administration’s ineptness in coping with the menace that these organisations represent.

Among other things, the Tribunal is also in possession of half–a–dozen separate statements published by different Muslim religious leaders, independent persons and opposition parties, outrightly condemning the Godhra incident. Yet, repeatedly, the propaganda was unleashed that neither Muslims nor secularists have ever condemned  the Godhra tragedy.

During the recording of our evidence, senior officials of the administration and police who deposed before the Tribunal on assurance of anonymity expressed concern about the fact that in most talukas of Gujarat, CDs and hate pamphlets were circulated by the VHP during March 2002, spreading ill–will, rumours and falsehoods about the conduct of Muslims. To effectively counter this trend, the administration only had to swoop down on xerox centres that were being used to reproduce bulk copies of such incendiary material.

Though all accounts suggest that there was provocation enough by the kar sevaks, nothing can justify the crime of torching 58 persons alive. The guilty need to be brought to book and punished. The tragedy and crime simply need to be placed in the charged and venomous atmosphere that the country and the polity has been held victim to, where sane, rational impulses are being overwhelmed by the politics of rage, revenge and violence.              

Archived from Communalism Combat, November-December 2002 Year 9  No. 81-82, Godhra

Mapping the Violence, Gujarat 2002


Archived from Communalism Combat, November-December 2002 Year 9  No. 81-82, Mapping the violence

Mapping the Violence, Gujarat 2002


Archived from Communalism Combat, November-December 2002  Year 9  No. 81-82