
Ayesha Noor, karate champion from slums of Kolkata to represent India in Thailand

Ayesha Noor, also known as the ‘Golden Girl’ in Kolkata, began learning Karate from a very tender age and today she has been honoured with several awards from the International karate associations and others.

Ayesha, now 21, has been suffering from epileptic seizures since birth. She lost her father in 2010 and her mother Shakila Begum sews clothes at home. Ayesha’s coach MA Ali took her in his wing from the slums of Beniakupur, Kolkata and groomed her into a karate champion.

Ayesha has won gold thrice representing India, first time in Mumbai in 2010 and twice in Bangkok in in 2013 and 2015.

The United States of America has also honoured Ayesha Noor as “Hero of Gender Equality” at American Centre in New Delhi on 17th March 2017.

A documentary about her journey from the slums in Kolkata to winning gold at the international level despite her health condition called, “ Girl connected” was made by the International Television series (ITVS) and screen globally. It was also telecast by Doordarshan (Delhi).

Recently the Times of India, honoured Ayesha as ‘Times Women Heroes Award’ on 7th June 2019.

Ayesha teaches nearly 100 girls from the slums self-defense for free because she has a mission of empowering girls. She wants to them fight against crimes against women especially rape.

Ayesha and 4 of her pupils have now been selected to represent India at the International sports meet , 2019 in Bangkok where Ayesha will be given the International sports award in the month of September in Thailand.

Both Ayesha and her pupils are excited about the upcoming event but are sad they won’t really be able to make it for lack of financial support. Ayesha has so far in her career spanning more than a decade has not received any financial support from the state government. It has always been private donors and well-wishers who have helped her.

In 2013 she was helped by (TCN) to generate finance to support the financial cost of the trip to Bangkok.

This time also she and her coach are both banking on generous people to support her pupils to make their passports and fly to Thailand.
To help Ayesha, you can donate to her account:

Ayesha Noor, United Bank of India (Entally Branch); Account no:0088010250894.


Courtesy: Two Circle

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