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BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj at it yet again: spews hatred against India’s Muslims.

"If the population is growing alarmingly, if the problems are rising, let me tell you that the Hindus are not responsible for it… The people responsible are those who talk of having four wives and 40 children"

Photo Credit: DNA

In the build-up to Assembly polls in Uttar Pradesh, this is what the BJP MP said in his speech at a public gathering in Meerut on Friday:

"If the population is growing astronomically, if the problems are rising, let me tell you that the Hindus are not responsible for it… The people responsible are those who talk of having four wives and 40 children," the BJP MP said while addressing a gathering in Meerut. 

He proceeded to state: “Strict laws are required in this country if we really want to curb population. Parties need to rise above politics and take decision for the sake of the country,” he added.
The offensive remark has come within days of the Supreme Court’s January 2 verdict barring candidates from seeking votes in the name of religion.

Following a complaint filed by Congress leader Shehzad Poonawala, the Election Commission has sought a report from Meerut district magistrate over Sakshi Maharaj's speech. 

Sakshi Maharaj maintained that since he was not speaking at any election rally he cannot be prosecuted. He also claimed that he was speaking up for gender justice.

"I only talked in favor of women who have been made machines in the name of producing children and shameful practices like triple talaq. I should be rewarded for the fact that he and his four brothers have not married and therefore not added to the already exploding population," Sakshi Maharaj he said. 

The BJP, meanwhile, has distanced himself from statements made by the MP, clarifying that it was not the stand of the party.

Excerpts from Congressman Poonawalla’s with the Election Commission:

“I would like to draw the urgent and immediate attention of the National Commission for Minorities (NCM) towards an extremely reprehensible and offensive set of remarks, violative of various sections of the Indian Penal Code,1860  made by Shri  Sakshi Maharaj , MP of the Bharatiya Janta Party, for his hate-inciting, communal remarks aimed at polarising the electorate on religious lines. These remarks are a blatant violation of IPC 1860, Model Code of Conduct and the recent verdict by Supreme Court that prohibits politicians from using religion to garner votes.

“The following offensive remarks, brimming with vitriol, were made by Shri Sakshi Maharaj: ‘Population is increased by those who support the concept of four wives and 40 children…

“In the past, whenever elections have taken place in Uttar Pradesh such statements have been made by leaders of the BJP. For example: recently Parvesh Verma of BJP made a communal statement upon which I filed a complaint. Amit Shah, BJP President, during 2014 Lok Sabha polls spoke of "Apman ka Badla" or Yogi Adityanath, BJP MP made statements about ‘Love Jihad’. Both these issues were raised by me before ECI and NCM and despite notices being issued the state authorities failed to act against them as per the law.

“The above statements may seem innocuous on being read without context. But the audience and the location at which these remarks have been made, reveal the sinister design of the said leader/s and party to exploit wounds of the recent communal conflagration in Western Uttar Pradesh.

“This is not a one-off remark made by Shri Sakshi Maharaj . There have been a series of remarks that have been made by various leaders of BJP and Sangh Parivar that show a deliberate attempt on their part to vitiate the atmosphere in the aftermath of the Muzaffarnagar riots and prior to the elections of 2017.

“The above said remarks find no basis in fact and are in flagrant violation of section 153, 153A, 153B, 505 of IPC 1860 and they deliberately, intentionally and maliciously calculated to incite hatred/ill will between communities and cause public mischief. It has violated the recent SC verdict in this regard too. These statements only aim to polarise the electorate along communal lines and have no basis in facts. 

“These statements are also a violation of the Model Code of Conduct set in place by the Election Commission of India and violates section 125 of the Representation of People’s Act, 1951 which prohibits promotion of enmity between classes in connection with elections and warrants immediate action under the law. The above said offences are both Cognizable and Non-Bailable and are serious in nature. Given that elections are a very serious affair, the implications of such statements on maintenance of law and order and ensuring free and fair elections can be adverse.”

The Complaint makes the following prayers:

a) Direct the registration of an FIR in the instant case against Shri Sakshi Maharaj for violation of various sections of IPC,1860 and the Model Code of Conduct. Also he must be arrested and prohibited from campaigning further in Uttar Pradesh. 

b) Direct the Election Commission of India to take necessary steps against the Bharatiya Janata Party for these remarks made by Shri Sakshi Maharaj as it is violative of various provisions of the Representation of People’s Act,1951 and the Model Code of Conduct.”


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