BSF jawan’s wife says husband being ‘pressurised’ to withdraw complaint and apologise

BSF jawan, Tej Bahadur Yadav’s wife has sensationally alleged that her husband’s superiors were pressurising him to withdraw complaints made in the video on rampant corruption.

Sharmila told ANI, “He told me that he is being pressurised to take the complaint back, and apologise.”

She also added that Tej Bahadur was allegedly being forced to apologise for going public with his grievances.

bsf wife

Sharmila’s fresh allegations came after she complained on Tuesday that Tej Bahadur had gone missing and the family had not been able to establish any contact with him.

Using her husband’s Facebook page, she had written, “Namaskar to people of this country. I want to inform you people through social media that I haven’t been able to speak to my husband since Monday evening. We don’t even know where and under what condition he’s been kept.”

Sharmila had later removed the post.

In a sensational development, Yadav on Monday had alleged rampant corruption in the para-military forces.

The video, originally posted on YouTube had gone gone viral on social media platforms with even Home Minister Rajnath Singh asking for explanation from the BSF.

Yadav had alleged that he was often forced to sleep empty stomach even though there’s no dearth of food supply to the armed forces. He appealed to Prime Minister to intervene to make situation better for them.

The BSF, in its defence, had accused the aggrieved soldier of being ‘habitual offender of absenteeism without permission’ and ‘chronic alcoholism.’

The BSF said in its statement, “The soldier is a habitual offender of absenteeism without permission, chronic alcoholism and misbehaving with superior officers…For such reasons, individual (Tej Bahadur) has served mostly in headquarters under supervision of some dedicated superior officer.”

The statement by the BSF did not go down well with the social media users, who asked why the paramilitary force had deployed the soldier in question on a sensitive location with weapons when there were so serious complaints against him.

Courtesy: Janta Ka Reporter



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