
Hate Watch: violence against Dalits fails to get attention

As the election frenzy gets over, news of violence against Dalit has continued. Three incidents were reported in the month of June in the first ten days alone from Uttar Pradesh.

Uttar Pradesh: 4 of Dalit family masacred in Prayagraj

Protest ensue, 2 cops suspended; locals accuse police negligence as family had approached cops earlier to lodge an FIR but were allegedly rebuffed

Kundli murder accused remanded to week-long custody

Nihangs' justification of the murdering the man on account of religious sacrilege has angered many netizens and Dalit rights activists

Bikaner hostel rape case: Rajasthan court awards life sentence to main accused, convicts two others

A 17-year-old Dalit girl was found dead in a water tank at her hostel in Rajasthan’s Bikaner district in 2016

Uttar Pradesh: Crimes against Dalits continue unabated

Dalit village head beaten to death, one arrested for killing Dalit woman kho-kho player, Dalit teen dead in juvenile home… the list goes on

OC has violated the democratic process of syllabus-making: DU teachers

In response to the Delhi University’s press release notifying syllabus change, English teachers published a detailed response to the DU Registrar

DU should apologise to Bama, Sukirtharani and Mahesweta Devi: Dalit Intellectual Collective

The Collective says the exlusion of these women writers once again highlights the bigoted attitude in higher education

From ripples to waves: Experts discuss the power of Dalit literature

Dalit literature offers an insight into Indian social and structural realities, but is often missing from mainstream curricula or even discussions among India’s progressive groups

Delhi Cantonment rape case: AIDWA demands action against police for alleged ‘silent complicity’

The women’s organisation condemned police officials for allegedly delaying FIR registration and harassing the victim’s family instead

Nangal village gang-rape, both gendered and caste-based violence: Civil Society Organisations

The SFI, DSMM and AIDWA protest the rape, murder and forcible cremation of the 9-year-old Dalit girl in Delhi

Vilas Sonawane: Tribute to a ‘Satyashodhak’ Marxist

From battling caste prejudice to crony capitalists, Sonawane leaves behind an inspirational legacy


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Uttarakhand: Local leader alleges shots fired by BJP workers as Muslim voters beaten when they went to vote

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CJP moves Maharashtra Police against the Hateful and Provocative Speech delivered by Kajal Hindustani in Mudkhed, Nanded

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CJP flags 8 incidents of hate crime including lynchings to National Commission for Minorities

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