Hate Speech

Religious hate finds a stage at Dehradun Press Club, event on “how to save women from jihadis” organised

Incendiary calls for arming Hindus and vilifying Muslims echo from a press club stage, Yati Ramswaroopanand Giri brazenly urged Hindus to arm themselves to "protect the women in their families"

Maharashtra: Hate Campaigns led by Raja Singh & Kalicharan continue to go unchecked

Nanded in Maharashtra’s Marathwada region witnesses one more hate event where a legislator, Raja Singh and controversial religious scion, Kalicharan gave overtly Islamophobic speeches, calling for violence and no FIRs are filed even as a Muslim individual is arrested for protesting the hate

Gujarat: Kajal Hindusthani arrested, sent to judicial custody, booked for delivering anti-Muslim hate speech

Hindusthani has been criss-crossing the country delivering doses of hate from Maharashtra to New Delhi; delivers speech asking Hindus to take up arms in New Delhi even after being first “booked” in Gujarat

Echoes of Hate: Concern mounts as India grapples with hate speech

Hate speech has been reported from three states, and speeches continue with complete impunity. Newer faces emerge each time, continuing with the same diatrib

Prominent leaders Kailash Vijayvargiya and Sadhvi Prachi make statements that are derogatory and perceived as anti-women

While Vijayvargiya states that women dress “vulgarly” and look like “Surpanakha”, Sadhvi Prachi says that Muslim women are helpless as they have to wear black veils in 50 degree heat

Kalicharan endorses violence if committed for protecting religion

Kalicharan is notorious for making hate speech in Maharashtra and despite intimation to the police in the past, no action whatsoever has been taken against him

Yati Narsinghanand calls for unity of the world to destroy Islam

At the Hindu Jagruti Sammelan, he made denigrating comments about women and also egged on Hindu men to lure Muslim women, while still having a Hindu wife.

The contentious route, a common factor in inciting violence during religious processions in India

Institutional amnesia chronically ails the state police! Myriad commissions of inquiry including the seminal Justice DP Madon Commission of Inquiry into the Bhiwandi-Mahad-Jalgaon Riots in 1970 have abjured the police from allowing indiscriminate passage to religious processions; the recommendations of these commissions and the law of the land are however not followed by the police controlled as its actions are by the executive

Faridabad: Far right speakers at the Hindu Ekta rally gave anti-minority speeches, used anti-Muslim slurs, made open calls for economic boycott and genocide

The Bajrang Dal-organised event featured speakers Suresh Chavhanke and Jagadguru Paramhansa, no action taken by the police

Kajal Hindusthani, Kapil Mishra, amongst others, target Muslim religious minorities, calls for their “erasure” and “Ghar Wapasi” unchallenged

These hate speeches were made at the “Hindu conclave”, organised by Digital Hindu Bhopal, a convention of Madhya Pradesh (MP)’s supremacist social media influencers held to further Hindutva agenda of establishing Hindu Rashtra

Gujarat: Kajal Hindusthani arrested, sent to judicial custody, booked for delivering anti-Muslim hate speech

Hindusthani has been criss-crossing the country delivering doses of hate from Maharashtra to New Delhi; delivers speech asking Hindus to take up arms in New Delhi even after being first “booked” in Gujarat


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