Hate Speech

After politicians, hate speech catches on among citizens in Assam

Emon Paul from Assam’s Kokrajhar district has been arrested after he was caught making offensive remarks against the religion of Islam. Paul was arrested after his statements were found to be disturbing the delicate communal harmony of the area. In the video released he has also threatened to kill people. The incident comes only a short while after the chief minister of Assam, Himanta Biswa Sarma made reportedly incendiary remarks on Muslims in Assam.

Hate Speech in India: How to Promote Amity?

India has been ruled by Hindu Nationalist Bharatiya Janata...

Report: 668 incidents of hate speech in 2023; BJP major player

A report by Washington D.C. based research group, Information Hate Lab (IHL), has released a new report shedding light on hate speech, disinformation, and conspiracy theories that target religious minorities in India

BJP MLA Raja Singh uses anti-Muslim slurs, targets Muslims, encourages violence at rally permitted by Bombay High Court

Even after submitting an undertaking stating that no hate speech will be made at the rally, Singh made inflammatory comments while addressing an audience of thousands, BJP MLA Geeta Jain plays supporting role

Communal brainwashing to hate and kill: Zeherkhurani, a Hindi novel by Nirmala Bhuradia

The recently published novel Zeherkhurani (Samayik Prakashan, Delhi, 2023) by Nirmala Bhuradia depicts the horrendous implications of putting religion to the worst abuse in the pursuit of remorselessly divisive power politics. Bhuradia is an Indore-based fiction writer and journalist (associated with a Hindi periodical of Indore, Nai Duniya) and a known name in the Hindi literary world.

Mira Road to see Hindutva rally tomorrow after HC grants permission, citizens approach police to ensure peace

After the Bombay High Court granted permission to Hindutva outfits to organise a shobha yatra near the Mira Bhayandar area in Mumbai which had recently seen violence, residents of Mira Road wait with trepidation for the February 25 rally and meeting of controversial BJP MLA Raja Singh to take place

Bombay HC grants conditional permission to BJP MLA Raja Singh for Feb 25 Mira Road-Bhayander meet, orders videotaping and ‘No Hate Speech’

Pursuant to the conditional Court order, CJP files follow-up complaint with Maharashtra police, urges officials to take necessary action; listed below are the list of offences for which Raja Singh has been charged

Mira-Road Bhayander Police rejects permission to BJP MLA T Raja Singh for rally on February 25, cites hate speeches

Yesterday, February 20 itself, Citizens for Justice & Peace had in a detailed pre-emptive complaint to the Mira Road Bhayander police pointed out not just the antecedents of the organisation and speaker, but also a slew of judgements of the Supreme Court directing the Maharashtra police in particular to take stern and pre-emotive steps to prevent provocative hate speech and resultant stigmatisation of minorities and violence. CJP moved to file the complaint after Singh released a video on social media calling people in large numbers to join his ‘Hindu Jan Aakrosh’ rally on February 25

Mumbai: Hate offender, T Raja Singh plans to come to Mira Road, as citizens file a complaint against politicians who stoked hate

Mira Road continues to be a tense neighbourhood. Citizens from the neighbourhood filed a complaint with the police, demanding a fair enquiry and asking that there be an investigation of those BJP politicians, who put the already-tense neighbourhood in danger by making reportedly incendiary statements.

Is Mumbai becoming a hotbed of hate?

From individual hate crimes to anti-Muslim slogans at rallies, Mumbai witnesses growing attacks and fear against Muslims

Bombay HC: Maha govt to place affidavit on steps taken in cases of hate speech, reason for inadequacy in action on BJP leader for...

In a petition demanding arrest and prosecution of BJP leader Vikram Pawaskar, HC expresses surprise over state’s claim for need for a forensic examination of the video of the event that the police had themselves recorded


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After politicians, hate speech catches on among citizens in Assam

Emon Paul from Assam’s Kokrajhar district has been arrested after he was caught making offensive remarks against the religion of Islam. Paul was arrested after his statements were found to be disturbing the delicate communal harmony of the area. In the video released he has also threatened to kill people. The incident comes only a short while after the chief minister of Assam, Himanta Biswa Sarma made reportedly incendiary remarks on Muslims in Assam.

Once again, Assam CM tries to shake communal sentiment, claims minority community only know how to engage in communal activities

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