South Asia

Pakistan: Farmers Protest Govt’s Corporate Farming Plan

To invite big corporate investments into the country’s agriculture sector, Pakistan has announced the building of six canals on the Indus River.

Workers (Bangladesh)

The author and photographer, a academic from JNU tells us stories through the camera; one lesson that is enduring and humbling, however is the excitement and respect that our neighbours, ordinary Bangladeshis have for Indians

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Aurat March: Highlight of International Women’s Day celebrations in Pakistan

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Baby bowls over India, Pakistan cricket teams

Indian cricket team wins match, but gets floored by Pakistan captain’s baby

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When will Indian fishworkers be assured of their safety on high seas?

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The group has urged the Government of Bangladesh to reconstruct all places of worship, provide compensation to those affected


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Pakistan: Farmers Protest Govt’s Corporate Farming Plan

To invite big corporate investments into the country’s agriculture sector, Pakistan has announced the building of six canals on the Indus River.

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