South Asia

Bangladesh: Nobel laureate, Muhammad Yunus, convicted in Bangladesh Court in labour law case

The 83 year-old, Nobel laureate economist was has been awarded six months of simple or non-rigorous imprisonment. He was, however, immediately granted one-month bail after a furnishing bond of Taka 5,000. 

India shocked as Sri Lanka cancels international partnership for ECT project

Giving in to the mounting pressure of local workers Unions, the Sri Lankan government cancels the 2019 agreement including India and Japan in a major port project.

Baul Singers of Bangladesh Struggle to Survive Amid Onslaught By Muslim Hardliners

Singers of the Baul folk tradition in Bangladesh are struggling to survive after more than a decade of physical and legal attacks by Islamic hardliners who consider these artists apostates and heretics.

Pak court sentences Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi to 15 years in prison

The anti-terrorism court in Lahore found LeT commander guilty of terror financing among other charges

Temple attack, an international embarrassment to country: Pak SC 

The apex court of Pakistan has ordered that the vandalised temple at Khyber Pakhtunkhwa be rebuilt, money recover from attackers

Should India applaud Pak’s move to rebuild one Hindu temple demolished by mobs?

Pak will rebuild one destroyed Hindu temple, what is its plan for tribals, Christians, Sikhs, Hindu’s targeted in other provinces?

Mob vandalises, sets ablaze Hindu temple in Pakistan

Indian right-wingers try use it as excuse to further pro-CAA agenda

Daniel Pearl Beheading: Pak court orders release of Omar Sheikh and aides

The Sindh High Court held their detention to be null and void and that they have been in prison for 18 years without committing any crime

Why Sheikh Hasina Is the Reason for the Rise of Islamists in Bangladesh

One of the important reasons why these Islamists feel so emboldened is because the Hasina government has been soft on them.

Sheikh Hasina’s ‘Strategic Compromise’ With Hefazat-e-Islam Turning Bangladesh Into An Extremist Hotbed Once Again

The Hefazat has been blackmailing the Hasina government into accepting its demands and its leader Junaid Babunagri has been issuing Taliban like diktats to the government.

Khadim Husain Rizvi and the Weaponisation of Barelwis in Pakistan

Khadim Husain, though responsible for giving a sense of purposive militancy to the Barelwis might also have been an unconscious player in someone else’s strategic game.


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India’s Telecommunications Act notified, ushers in “modernisation”with privacy concerns

Sections 1, 2, 10 to 30, 42 to 44, 46, 47, 50 to 58, 61 and 62 of the Telecommunications Act, 2023 notified

‘Flopped diversionary move’: Modi view on Gandhi popularity during polls

In an interview to ABP on 29th May, Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated that "in the last 75 years, wasn't it our responsibility to make Mahatma Gandhi known across the world? Forgive me, but nobody knew Mahatma Gandhi till the film on him was released in 1982." 

Abolish ‘discriminatory and imbalanced’ NEET exam: Justice A.K. Rajan Committee 2021

Negative impact on students from rural background, less family income, studying from Tamil-medium; a High-Level Committee headed by the retired judge of Madras High Court and eight others, including central and state government bureaucrats had, in 2021 recommended for the scraping of the NEET exam. Crucially, the report flagged the steep drop in Tamil students from a rural background from 61.5% in 2010-11; metro students recorded an increase instead.

Celebrating Yoga Day After Spewing Venom Against Muslims is Travesty of Yoga

Delivering hate speeches, which Modi did recently, is contrary to the ethos of Yoga and its foundational ideals of truth and non-violence.

Former NRC State Coordinator of Assam urges PM Modi for re-verification of NRC

In the middle of charges of corruption, malpractice, and delays with regards to the NRC process, former state coordinator of the NRC, Assam civil servant Hitesh Dev Sarma, who is said to be close to the BJP, wrote a letter to PM Modi highlighting various irregularities he discovered in the NRC procedure.

Bhima Koregaon Case: Relief for activist as Supreme Court allows for interim bail

NIA argued against bail, court considers exceptional circumstances.

BJP Leader H. Raja urges Tamil Nadu government to reject the one-man committee report

As BJP opposes the one-man committee measures in Tamil Nadu, its stance on hijab ban in Karnataka raises questions about uniformity and inclusivity in policies.