Freedom Minorities

Complaint filed against Madhu Kishwar’s for spewing venom on Social Media

Activist Saket Gokhale has filed a written complaint with the Delhi police against Madhu Kishwar over her recent inflammatory tweets targeting Muslims. 

Image Courtesy: opindia

In his written complaint, which he appeals to be treated as an F.I.R., Gokhale writes, “I’m sure you’d appreciate that in this day and age of social media, such hate speech has massive ramifications on public order and harmony. Moreover, it is also argued that such hate speech targeting a particular community on ground of religion is clear instance of promoting enmity and creating disharmony in the society.”
Read the entire complaint here:

While Madhu Kishwar has promoted multiple instances of fake news in the past and Advocate Prashant Bhushan had even gone ahead and registered a criminal complaint against her in 2018 calling her tweets an intention “to incite communal hatred and create a disturbance to public peace and tranquility”, she relentlessly carries forward with her agenda of flaring up communal propaganda on her twitter account.  

Her recent tweets that irked Saket Gokhale can be seen here.

While speaking exclusively to SabrangIndia, Gokhale said, “People like Madhu Kishwar and the ones aligned with the ruling party, who might not be the perpetrators but definitely enablers of large scale communal disharmony, feel like they are invincible and above the law whereas a Prashant Kanojia is immediately arrested for posting a sarcastic remark against Yogi. While I, in no way, intend to infringe on her (Madhu Kishawar’s) freedom of speech but if she genuinely believes in what she is saying is legal and justified, she should be able to defend that in the court of law.”

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