Congress readies for anti-CAA-NRC door-to-door campaign

Functionaries say training sessions regarding the technical and legal aspects soon to be held by experts

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In response to the Bharatiya Janata Party’s pro-Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) door-to-door campaign, the Congress has also readied itself for an anti-CAA and anti-National Register of Citizens (NRC) training session for which party workers are being trained by experts on the “ill-effects of the government’s citizenship policies”.

After the BJP started its pro-CAA rally by holding pro-CAA campaigns in schools and conducting campaigns, the Congress has also decided to hand out booklets on the perils of the CAA-NRC implementation.

The political party, in its first training session, invited lawyer Mihir Desai, activists Feroze Mithiborwala, Varsha Vidya Vilas, Salim Alware and MA Khalid, Bombay Catholic Sabha President Dolphy D’souza, Amol Madame of Akhil Bharatiya Parivar and Jatin Desai to apprise the functionaries about the legal and technical aspects of CAA and NRC and their potential effects on Indian citizens.

The Mumbai Mirror reported that city Congress chief Eknath Gaikwad said that the party would soon be launching an outreach programme to inform people about the CAA. “The awareness campaign will include block level meetings and a door-to-door campaign,” Bhushan Patil, a city Congress functionary said. Responding to what information will be disseminated at these meetings he said, “There is a lot of misinformation about the CAA and NRC. In reality, it is discriminatory and has divided the country. It’s an attack on the Constitution of India. These issues will be explained at these training sessions and then our office bearers and workers will spread the word.”

The Congress, along with the NCP and other parties has formed a front called “Hum Bharat Ke Log” that has organized massive rallies against the CAA and NRC throughout India. After a massive rally in Mumbai’s August Kranti Maidan that took place in December 2019, Patil has said that the next anti-CAA rally has been planned on January 24, 2020 at Parel’s Kamgar Maidan.


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