Athar Husain | SabrangIndia News Related to Human Rights Sat, 07 Nov 2020 08:15:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Athar Husain | SabrangIndia 32 32 US and India must learn from MLK and Gandhi, end the politics of hate Sat, 07 Nov 2020 08:15:37 +0000 http://localhost/sabrangv4/2020/11/07/us-and-india-must-learn-mlk-and-gandhi-end-politics-hate/ People of colour, indigenous people and Muslims continue to face discrimination and othering

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MLK and Gandhi
In 1959, Martin Luther King visited India. Paying homage to Mahatma Gandhi at Rajghat he said. “India is the land where techniques of non- violent social change were developed that my people used in Montgomery, Alabama and elsewhere throughout American South”.
Today when Donald Trump who is known to have espoused the cause of White Supremacy in contemporary times is facing electoral defeat in US election, I as a Muslim and Indian feel pride with what teachings and traditions of both my nation through Mahatma Gandhi and religion has given to world in terms of  struggle for equality.
I also pay tribute to the sacrifices of US leaders who happen to be white and struggle for equality. Abraham Lincoln’s assassination gave greater resolve for 15th Amendment of Constitution a reality which gave voting rights to Black people in US in 1867. John F Kennedy’s assasination hurried to signing of Civil Rights Act in 1964 by President Johnson which ended discrimination for Black people in US society.
I quote Quran from Surah Hujurah which explains well the need for struggle for equality:
(49:13) “Human beings, We created you all from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another. Verily the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most God-fearing of you. Surely Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.”
In the preceding verses, mankind is addressed and given necessary instructions to safeguard humanity against social evils. In this verse the whole of mankind has been addressed to reform it of the great evil that has always been causing universal disruption in the world, that is, the prejudices due to race, color, language, country, and nationality. On account of these prejudices man in every age has generally been discarding humanity and drawing around himself some small circles and regarding those born within those circles as his own people and those outside them as others. These circles have been drawn on the basis of accidental birth and not on rational and moral grounds. In some cases their basis is the accident of being born in a particular family, tribe, or race, and in some particular geographical region, or in a nation having a particular color or speaking a particular language. 
Then the discrimination between one’s own people and others is not only confined to this that those who are looked upon as one’s own people are shown greater love and cooperation than others, but this discrimination has assumed the worst forms of hatred, enmity, contempt and tyranny. New philosophies have been propounded for it, new religions invented, new codes of law made and new moral principles framed; so much so that nations and empires have made this distinction a permanent way of life with them and practiced it for centuries. Every person can see for himself even in this 20th century what atrocities have been committed against the colored people in Africa and America on account of the distinction between the white and the black. 
The treatment that the Europeans meted out to the Native Americans in America and to the weak nations of Asia and Africa had the same concept underlying it. They thought that the rights and property and honour of all those who had been born outside the frontiers of their own land and nation were lawful for them and they had the right to plunder and take them as their slaves and exterminate them if need be. The worst examples of how the nationalism of the western nations has turned one nation against the others and made it their bloodthirsty enemy have been seen in the wars of the recent past and are being seen even in the present time. In particular, if what was manifested by the racism of the Nazi Germany and the concept of the superiority of the Nordic race in the last World War is kept in view. One can easily judge how stupendous and devastating is the error for whose reform this verse of the Quran was revealed.

In this brief verse, Allah has drawn the attention of all mankind to three cardinal truths:

(1) The origin of all of you is one and the same. Your whole species has sprung up from one man and one woman. All your races that are found in the world today are, in fact, the branches of one initial race that started with one mother and one father. In this process of creation there is no basis whatsoever for the divisions and distinctions in which you have involved yourselves because of your false notions. One God alone is your Creator. Different men have not been created by different gods. You have been made from one and the same substance. It is not so that some men have been made from some pure and superior substance and some other men from some impure and inferior substance. You have been created in one and the same way; it is not also so that different men have been created in different ways. And you are the offspring of the same parents; it is not so that in the beginning there were many human couples which gave birth to different populations in the different regions of the world.

(2) In spite of being one in origin, it was natural that you should be divided into nations and tribes. Obviously, all the men on the earth could not belong to one and the same family. With the spread of the race it was inevitable that countless families should arise, and then tribes and nations should emerge from the families. Similarly, it was inevitable that after settling in different regions of the earth, there should be differences of colors, features, languages and ways of living among the people, and it was also natural that those living in the same region should be closer in affinity and those living in remote regions not so close. But this natural difference never demanded that distinctions of inequality, of high and low, of noble and mean, should be established on its basis, that one race should claim superiority over the other, the people of one color should look down upon the people of other colors, and that one nation should take preference over the other without any reason. The Creator had divided the human communities into nations and tribes for that was a natural way of cooperation and distinction between them. In this way alone could a fraternity, a brotherhood, a tribe and a nation combine to give birth to a common way of life and to cooperate with each other in the affairs of the world. But it was all due to satanic ignorance that the differences among mankind created by Allah to be a means of recognition, were turned into a means of mutual boasting and hatred, which led mankind to every kind of injustice and tyranny.

(3) The only basis of superiority and excellence that there is, or can be, between man and man is that of moral excellence. As regards birth, all men are equal, for their Creator is One, their substance of creation is one, and their way of creation is one, and they are descended from the same parents. Moreover, a person’s being born in a particular country, nation, or clan is just accidental. Therefore, there is no rational ground on account of which one person may be regarded as superior to the other. The real thing that makes one person superior to others is that one should be more God-conscious, a greater avoider of evils, and a follower of the way of piety and righteousness. Such a man, whether he belongs to any race, any nation and any country, is valuable and worthy on account of his personal merit. And the one who is reverse of him in character, is in any case an inferior person whether he is black or white, born in the east or the west.

On the occasion of the Farewell Pilgrimage, in the midst of the Tashriq days, he addressed the people, and said:

“O people, be aware: your God is One. No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab, and no non-Arab any superiority over an Arab, and no white one has any superiority over a black one, and no black one any superiority over a white one, except on the basis of taqwa (piety). The most honorable among you in the sight of Allah is he who is the most pious and righteous of you. Say if I have conveyed the Message to you? And the great congregation of the people responded, saying: Yes, you have, O Messenger of Allah. Thereupon the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Then let the one who is present convey it to those who are absent. (Baihaqi).

That is, this is only known to Allah as to who is really a man of high rank and who is inferior in respect of qualities and characteristics. The standards of high and low that the people have set up of their own accord, are not acceptable to and approved by Allah. May be that the one who has been regarded as a man of high rank in the world is declared as the lowest of the low in the final judgment of Allah, and maybe that the one who has been looked upon as a very low person here, attains to a very high rank there. The real importance is not of the honor and dishonor of the world but of the honor and dishonor that one will receive from Allah. Therefore, what man should be most concerned about is that he should create in himself those real qualities and characteristics which make him worthy of honor in the sight of Allah.”
*The writer is the Director, Centre for Objective Research and Development (CORD), a Lucknow-based organisation that works in the field of education.

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Nehru and the culture of ‘Scientific Temper’ Wed, 27 May 2020 11:52:42 +0000 http://localhost/sabrangv4/2020/05/27/nehru-and-culture-scientific-temper/ Remembering India's first Prime Minister and a true visionary

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In remembrance of Nehru on his 56th death anniversary his role as a democrat with scientific temper which has made immense contribution to India has to be highlighted. Nehru conceptualised the term ‘scientific temper’ in 1946 and defined it as an attitude of logical and rational thinking.The term ‘scientific temper’ is contemporary, but appeals to rational enquiry are not new to Indian ethos. 

We are proud land of Sushruta,physician in 8th century BC and of Aryabhatt ,mathematician in 5th century but tragedy is today we still have prejudices for ‘scientific temper’ as envisaged by Nehru.His vision of scientific temper should be seen in the context of his understanding of science and religion for a better appreciation. For Nehru science was not merely an individual’s search for truth but it should be an integral part of one’s thinking and action. He was more interested in social consequences of science which has made it possible to view traditional beliefs in a new light based on facts. One should not accept tradition simply because it is tradition as our sages of yesteryears were exploring too. 

In The Discovery Of India, Nehru writes, “The scientific approach, the adventurous and yet critical temper of science, the search for truth and new knowledge, the refusal to accept anything without testing and trial, the capacity to change previous conclusions in the face of new evidence, the reliance on observed fact and not on pre-conceived theory, the hard discipline of the mind, all this is necessary, not merely for the application of science but for life itself and the solution of its many problems.”

His concern in giving priority to Science was the reason that he was elected the first non-Scientist as Chairman of Indian Science Congress in 1937 (British India) there in the meeting he said “It is science alone that can solve the problems of hunger and poverty, of insanitation and illiteracy, of superstition and deadening custom and tradition, of vast resources running to waste, of a rich country inhabited by starving people.”

Nehru’s legacy of scientific temper got reflected when our Constitution adopted it as a fundamental duty of every citizen. The importance of spreading scientific temper in the country was highlighted in various science and technology policy statements adopted by him as Prime Minister.

At Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in 1954 he said “Lots of people may not know, why such an emphasis is being put on science. Why so much money is being spent Why did I take the trouble to come from Delhi? The big countries have more power while our country has remained poor….If we wish to empower our country, which is now independent, we have to create a strong base–so we can learn the basics…This may not show immediate results but finally result in the uplift of the country.”

History of modern India since Independence is marked by immense contribution of Nehru as PM in establishing centres of scientific learning with the start of establishing Atomic Energy Commission with Bhabha and several Institutes of Research to make India self reliant in science and technology which is a must for any vibrant democracy.Today we have privilege to be a leading Science power in the world only because of Pandit Nehru’s legacy.

Earlier this year Nobel Laureate Venki Ramakrishnan at a programme in Bengaluru highlighted the need for both a spirit of inquiry and for science to spread through large and small collaborations. “I think science flourishes when there is real freedom of thought and opinion and minimum ideological interference,” he said. 

The above statement is the soul of Nehru’s core belief where democracy and science together can only solve socially relevant issues, like poverty and hunger.So it is imperative for India’s democracy and it’s Government both at the Centre and the States that they should remove the obstacles that undermine scientific temper for inclusive and peaceful development of Indian society.

(Picture is of Nehru and Einstein taken on Nehru’s visit to Princeton University,US)

*The author is Director Centre for Objective Research and Development (CORD)

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How setting aside party politics can help India in the battle against Covid-19 Mon, 18 May 2020 06:55:00 +0000 http://localhost/sabrangv4/2020/05/18/how-setting-aside-party-politics-can-help-india-battle-against-covid-19/ An overview of the considerations and questions national authorities must reflect on in their response to the pandemic.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented global crisis and has infected more than 4.5 million people in more than 200 countries. Even before the onset of this pandemic, the global economy was confronting turbulence on account of disruptions in trade flows and attenuated growth. The situation has now been very much aggravated by the demand, supply, and liquidity shocks that Covid-19 has inflicted on many economies, including the Indian economy.

 Managing an epidemic requires tackling the health consequences of the outbreak, as well as its social, political, security, and economic dimensions. This implies setting priorities between various interests and goals – in short, a lot of politics.

What follows is a non-exhaustive overview of the many considerations and important questions national authorities must reflect on in their response to Covid-19.

Many health professionals argue for stricter social countermeasures to keep people at home. To them, saving lives should be the absolute priority and in case of doubts, a ‘no-regret’ approach should prevail. Many argue that the response should be free from so-called ‘political interference’.

However, these measures can increase inequalities, put people in precarious economic situations, and have many other consequences that cannot be fully anticipated but govt response seen in different parts of India tend to simplify the equation by only focusing on one issue; limiting the spread of virus.

Policymakers, however, have to take into account the side-effects of public health measures and other interests at stake and for that we need better cohesion amongst the political class cutting across the political ideology barriers for the betterment of countrymen. Policymakers will have to reflect on how much they should emphasize the different views and side-effects in responding to the pandemic. With COVID -19 spreading around the globe. There are fears of a deep global recession. As a consequence of lost income from lockdowns and other restrictions, there will be serious threats to poorer communities’ access to food and India will have to face this challenge too.

The world needs solutions. That’s why the Director-General of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has urged G20 leaders to take measures to ensure that global and national markets continue to be a transparent, stable, and reliable source of food supply.

Amidst all these concerns situation arising due to Covid-19 fallout, global political leadership is talking of consensus in politics for their countrymen.

In Israel where two bitter political opponents came together, “We will safeguard the democracy, we will fight the coronavirus and we will take care of all the citizens of Israel.”

Netanyahu Israel PM echoed the message of unity in a tweet.

“I promised the state of Israel a national emergency government that will act to save the lives and livelihoods of the citizens of Israel. I will continue to do everything for you, citizens of Israel,” responded Gantz bitter political opponent of Netanyahu and joined his govt as Defence Minister.

Similarly, in Netherlands Mark Rutte PM invited Martin Van Riju a former Labour Party Health Secretary, his political opponent to join his cabinet as Health Minister and had the courage to say in public all for better governance for Covid-19 response, “He has years of experience in healthcare and knows the Ministry well.”

Today in this crisis Union of India needs a coalition government, especially one subordinating party differences to the national interest in a time of crisis both at the Centre and States. We have this

opportunity as nation to get united in this hour of need where political, caste, region, religion differences should take backseat and Prime Minister Modi of BJP who enjoys confidence of large sections of Indians regarding his integrity and his desire to serve the country should invite best brains to manage the affairs of governance in this crisis where inter-state issues can be tackled for betterment of economy, containment of the virus and lessening the pain of migrants travelling back home.

Manmohan Singh ex PM of Congress Party can give strong support to manage affairs for economy under his guidance. Similarly, Left Front led govt in Kerala has been a successful model for containment of spread of virus, their expertise in medical health care can be used nationally.

Udhav Thackeray of Shiv Sena has shown exemplary administrative prowess as CM of the state hit hardest by the virus. His administrative capability can be help in Inter-State advisory council kind of set up in the govt.

Arvind Kejriwal of AAP as Delhi CM has made Delhi a good example of relief work to the poor and needy in the crisis, so his relief care management skills can be used. Similarly, Telangana CM has given some good agrarian reforms in the state to be replicated at national level.

Opposition leaders in states as big as UP and Bihar can be of utility in national government. Akhilesh Yadav has been an able administrator as CM with huge experience of developing infrastructure sectors and his political party with a large cadre base can be of big utility in national government. Similarly, Tejaswi Yadav with his youth and vigour can rally large numbers of Biharis around for nation building again.

The list is endless, we have immense political talent cutting across political lines to serve the country in this hour of crisis. It is only the PM and his party can take this call for national government, hope they do it.

*The author is Director, Centre for Objective Research and Development, Lucknow.


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Remembering the uprising Mon, 11 May 2020 12:54:07 +0000 http://localhost/sabrangv4/2020/05/11/remembering-uprising/ The losing battle fought by Bahadur Shah Zafar's men and the barbarism of 'civilised' colonists  

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“On May 11, 1857,16th of Ramzan, Bahadur Shah Zafar was sitting in the Jharokha doing his wazifa(recital of Quran) when the Indian sawars of 3rd Cavalry including Hindus and Muslims of East India Company came to Musamnan Burj and called out to him to lead them against British as the Badshah of Hindustan.”

—- Excerpt from Dastan-e-Ghadar by Zahir Dehlvi,a poet and contemporary of Bahadur Shah Zafar.

Today I quote this to remember May 11, 1857, start of the First War of Independence of India with Badshah Bahadur Shah Zafar as Commander in Chief. But today when in remembrance of our bravehearts who fought British Imperialism under Bahadur Shah Zafar in 1857 we should know a dark reality that we may have words of praise for our freedom struggle movement which started in 1857 but in practice we as society still eugolise our colonial masters. 

As William Hodson an irregular cavalryman who took Bahadur Shah Zafar’s three sons Mirza Mughal,Mirza Khizr Sultan and Mirza Abu Bakr after their surrender into captivity and later killed them in an act of cold blooded murder as captives in Delhi, the actions were controversial even at the time. The future Frederick Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts (who later rose to become General, Field Marshal and Commander in Chief of British Armed Forces) then a junior officer serving in the Delhi campaign, called this action of Hodson a “blot”. But even today a prestigious Boarding and Day School, LaMartiniere College,Lucknow which has this “blot” Hodson’s grave and School in independent India still boasts of that it’s the only school in the world to have battle honours,a battle fought by Colonial British forces along LaMartiniere school boys and staff against Indian fighters under Command of Bahadur Shah Zafar,Emperor of India.


In 1858 battle this “blot” Hodson was killed. LaMartiniere College also has a Hodson House as one of the four houses and has given all respect and honour to this “blot” Hodson who disgraced and was inhuman to our the then Commander in Chief Bahadur Shah Zafar. So, our best gesture of remembrance of India’s First War of Independence will be to remove this “blot” from Lucknow and transfer it to Britain at the earliest.


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How did we get here? Mon, 09 Mar 2020 04:28:17 +0000 http://localhost/sabrangv4/2020/03/09/how-did-we-get-here/ A brief journey through modern India's history to understand the evolution of Hindu-Muslim relations in the country

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Hindu Muslim


Post India’s independence, our society has gone major transformation vis-a-vis Hindu – Muslim relations, and in this journey there have been several stages:

  • Green revolution resultant emerging strong farmer community and emergence of their leadership specially from OBC’s

  • Nationalisation and India’s decisive victory over Pakistan and resultant Bangladesh

  • Emergency, JP movement and resultant decisive defeat of Congress with RSS and Lohiates combining together

  • India winning cricket World Cup and emergence of Amitabh Bachchan as angry young man and resultant  Shahanshah of Bollywood

  • Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi’s assassination

  • Rise of BJP, Ram Mandir movement,and resultant Babri Masjid demolition

  • Neo-liberalisation, resultant huge emerging Hindu middle class, rise of OBC and Dalit leadership

  • First BJP govt at the Centre under Atal’s leadership 

  • Gujarat riots and emergence of Modi as face of Hindu chauvinism

  • Khan troika ruling the Bollywood

  • India’s hegemony in World cricket and Sachin Tendulkar as Emperor of World cricket

  • Return of Congress and Manmohanomics and resultant more buoyant Hindu middle class

  • Modi winning big and Congress losing badly with Gandhi-Nehru family aura completly wiped out

  • Emergence of new regional faces of Akhilesh, Kejriwal, Mamta, Jagan and Stalin

  • Modi-Shah in control, with divisive CAA pushing Muslims back to the wall politically and making them fight for their survival and amidst that, India facing it’s biggest economic slowdown in the last 50 years.

Amidst all these stages Hindu society, by and large, was also reshaping into distinctive social classes as per their belief in Indian Constitution and Hindu thought and they can be categorised as follows: 

First, who believe in the essence of the Vedas, the ‘Puranic’ and religious texts and it’s approach to the oneness of Man with the divine  i.e. the eternal ‘Atman’ (the soul) and its eventual merger with the Paramatman (the supreme) in the ‘divine karmic’ order. All the while, upholding the egalitarian and non violent spirit of Hindu theism and it’s well propounded philosophies.

The first kind is further divided into two sub categories:

1. That has acceptance of all religions in conformity with the traditional Hindu vedantic thought of ‘Vasudev Kutumbakam’ (world is a family) and perhaps, is a bit in the atheistic mould. Yet, believes in a higher power and life cycles of cause and effect and thinks of the other as his own.

2. Is more adjunct to his religious and ritualistic duties: in his devotion and prayers to the chosen one in the pantheon of Hindu gods, a believer in the holy texts and the essence thereof, as also in the play of karmic cycle in the destiny of man etc. But deep down, still believes that all paths lead to one god and therefore, is tolerant of other religions and dogmas if they don’t infringe on his faith and religious practices.

Second is the one who is having this fear of the ‘other’, that is Muslims in this context, apprehensive of his country being subsumed overtime by the radical wave of Islamization that is currently sweeping across some parts of the world, including Europe, and so is willing to fraternise with the Hindutva philosophy as his shield, despite government demographic statistics stating otherwise and thus serving to Sangh’s political agenda.

Third is left liberal who thinks Hindu ethos can be kept on the back-burner to push their agenda of liberalism which cannot be compromised for anything.

Similarly, the Muslim society reshaped exactly the same  with greater influence of Gulf money a clergy led society came with large influence of Wahabi Islam.This Islamic school of thought believed in purtitanism and ridiculed those who practiced Islam with Indian traditions and that is Sufi Islam or Barelvi school of thought.

Then, of course, there was the emerging middle class among Muslims which because of modern education came in contact with left liberal ideology on the one side which believed in the equality and liberalism with women being given equal opportunities whereas within that middle class there was those who where in the influence of Wahabi Islam and puritanism.

The Hindu-Muslim relations in India are decided by this middle class, of both the communities, and it is a contradiction that their aspirations do not match their actions. Both aspire to a luxurious life  with economic betterment but ongoing struggle leads to social disorder thus economic slowdown. Whether they are left liberal Hindus and Muslims they have to bear the brunt of clash of Wahabi Islam and Hindutva and resultant social disharmony.

The immense harm that this can cause to the ‘philosophy of (Sanatan Dharma) Hinduism and Islam which teaches equality and brotherhood and the nation cannot be overstated, since it is bound to lead to further fissures and distrust in society, shredding the social fabric of India. This is a matter of grave concern for all of us, residing here in India, and also for our future generations, as it is our responsibility and duty to keep the country united, safe and strong; free of sectarian strife, to prevent foreign investment from shying away from Indian shores. Growth of a nation is commensurate with its social stability and unity. Let us not disrupt it to irreconcilable and irredeemable levels, it is perhaps time for us who believe in Indianess only to barricade this onslaught of hate and insecurity.

* The author is Director, Centre for Objective Research and Development (CORD), Lucknow.

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Can Akhilesh Yadav emerge as UP’s Go-To Opposition leader in 2022? Mon, 17 Feb 2020 11:02:53 +0000 http://localhost/sabrangv4/2020/02/17/can-akhilesh-yadav-emerge-ups-go-opposition-leader-2022/ Akhilesh Yadav’s meeting in Kannauj and an incident associated with it has generated vast media attention. For the future of the young scion’s role in Uttar Pradesh politics, it is significant. At a meeting at Kannauj on February 15, a BJP supporter reportedly walked to the front and first raised the issue of unemployment. Believing […]

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Akhilesh Yadav’s meeting in Kannauj and an incident associated with it has generated vast media attention. For the future of the young scion’s role in Uttar Pradesh politics, it is significant. At a meeting at Kannauj on February 15, a BJP supporter reportedly walked to the front and first raised the issue of unemployment. Believing that this youth could well highlight the incompetence of BJP govt both at the Centre and State, Akhilesh Yadav invited him near the dias! Instead, the young man used the platform to raise the slogan of “Jai ShriRam”. At first, Akhilesh Yadav reacted normally and made some astute political points. But when the sloganeering continued unabated, the SP supremo lost his cool. Yadav’s response is now being analysed critically in some political quarters, in an atmosphere that today prevails in Namo’s New India. It reveals a strategy of the BJP to deliberately send such a youth to the Kannauj rally to provoke Akhilesh Yadav.

The entire transcript of Akhilesh Yadav’s reponse is not objectionable in the first instance but he lost his cool which was not expected of him and which flies in the face of his image of a collected politician. Akhilesh Yadav has very well nurtured his political image as a sincere politician with a mix of humility and modesty with modernity in the past two years since he has taken complete control over the party. There is now no room for criminals, more respect for women and their promotion in leadership is visible. Outright cronyism has taken a back seat. Earlier, the bitter and often, petty family feuds within the Samajwadi Party came out in the open but ideologically Akhilesh Yadav remained steadfast. Through this political churning, a new political party emerged creating a picture of an outfit where clean politics mattered. Something similar to the Aam Aadmi Party’s  kind of politics in Delhi where Arvind Kejriwal with his own image countered the distractions which had been (deliberately) brought into the Delhi campaign by the BJP! This was a cynical ploy of the “the party with no difference” with its attempt to centre the political discourse around the religious identity divide between Hindus and Muslims where Shaheen Bagh, the India Pakistan (cricket) match, ‘Goli’ (gun shots) and ‘Gaali’ (abuse) was brought to the fore.

BJP knows this strategy well: that it is the image of the leadership that wins an election! Rather than working to better the image of their own leadership, it is far easier to target and shame the political image of opponents. The BJP has done this well and with easy because of the vast propaganda mill that they control. This is visible in their strategy vis a vis Rahul Gandhi and in fact, the entire Gandhi family. They have, in fact, have reaped political benefits nationally by doing so.

Now two years down, the UP elections in 2022 are a big battle that looms; a battle which the BJP will leave no stone unturned to win. Akhilesh Yadav today has the best chance to win. Already there are murmurs in political circles, words a la Arvind Kejriwal, to the effect that “ab desh mein kaam ki rajneeti chalegi” and Akhilesh Yadav is best suited to represent that “Kaam ki Rajneeti” in UP. Knowing this full well, the political machinery of the BJP wants to damage this image of Akhilesh Yadav where his image of being sincere, non-corrupt and hard working and his efforts for development in developing infrastructure in the health, power, education and women empowerment sectors remain fresh in the minds of the state’s electorate. A deepening of this image will be detrimental to the BJP’s poll prospects in UP where –in the present scenario —BSP’s is fast losing the political oppositional space and the Congress is rudderless. This makes for the possibility of a sharp, two way fight in UP between the BJP and Akhilesh Yadav in 2022. As was evident in Delhi and Jharkhand (2019, 2020), a two way fight against a strong regional party opponent in the state elections makes BJP lose.

Under these testing circumstances, for Akhilesh, the best strategy is to nurture upon his image of responsible and sincere leader. Despite and inspite any provocation from the BJP, he should not fall into their trap from where they can target and shame his image. If he nurtures this calmly, we have a serious electoral battle ahead of us, in 2022 in UP.

(The writer is director, Centre for Objective Research and Development (CORD))


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The UP Election and Riot Politics Sat, 15 Oct 2016 04:50:34 +0000 http://localhost/sabrangv4/2016/10/15/election-and-riot-politics/ The Justice Vishnu Sahai Commission report on the September 2013 Muzaffarnagar riots was tabled on the floor of the Uttar Pradesh (UP) State Assembly early this year. The Akhilesh Yadav-led government knew that in the forthcoming elections they would have to answer lot of difficult questions pertaining to the law order situation during his tenure especially […]

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The Justice Vishnu Sahai Commission report on the September 2013 Muzaffarnagar riots was tabled on the floor of the Uttar Pradesh (UP) State Assembly early this year. The Akhilesh Yadav-led government knew that in the forthcoming elections they would have to answer lot of difficult questions pertaining to the law order situation during his tenure especially with regard to the communal riots in Muzaffarnagar and then, the lynching to death of Mohammad Akhlaque at Dadri (2015).

Both these bouts of violence have had far reaching political impact for the Samajwadi Party's (SP’s) political fortunes specially when it's key opponent, the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) has an eye on the Samajwadi Party’s core vote base, that is Muslims; this collective vote base which at one time, almost blindly supported Mulayam Singh Yadav's SP has felt the deep and lasting scars of betrayal, since 2013.

There is a also debate within political circles in Lucknow and beyond, of how, deliberately, Akhilesh (the chief minister) has tried to cultivate an image which does not make him another "Mulla Akhilesh" as his father in the early 1990's. The prefix to his name in political circles, type-casts him, (if rather crudely) as pro-Muslim.

The Justice Sahai report on the Muzaffarnagar violence (2013) when made public had conclusions that were shocking: it completely absolved the state government and worse: the inquiry report said nothing about the key players who engineered the rioting and violence against the Muslim minority. The commission only held two police officers accountable for what the former judge found, predictably, an ‘intelligence failure’.

Akhilesh is today politically facing a dual challenge from within his family and also from his key support base which among Muslims. There is a distinct buzz amongst Muslims, especially in western UP, traditional Jat-land that in this election, support to any party is not guaranteed. Between the lines, this tentatively expressed sentiment could signal a shift the collective Muslim support base from the SP to the BSP, inspired by the fact that the BSP has consolidated its Dalit support base (that had declined to 19.5 per cent in 2014). This has been reflected in the large turnout of Dalits to BSP supremo, Mayawati’s rallies in Saharanpur, Agra, Azamgarh, Allahabad and Lucknow. Today, the BSP looks to be in a more formidable position to take on the BJP. As of today, Muslims will, in more likelihood, be voting for the formation that can put up a more realistic electoral battle against a resurgent BJP. This negative, (against the BJP) collective vote of the Muslim, however, also has the potential danger of consolidating the non-Dalit Hindu vote in favour of the BJP.

sangeet som
मुजफ्फरनगर दंगो के आरोपी संगीत सोम व सुरेश राणा को मोदी की रैली में सम्‍मानित किया गया।

  Eventually, however, the issue of communal riots and justice to the victims (survivors) which is the reason for this substantial political turnaround will remain unaddressed. I have been going through text of reports of different commissions of enquiry established post communal riots in different parts of the country. Key principles of equality and non-discrimination, enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) are echoed and find space in the Indian Constitution. India is a signatory to the UDHR. The UDHR, under Article 2 provides for rights without discrimination, without restriction of any kind based on race, language or religion etc.; Article 7 provides for equality before law and to the equal protection of the law for all; Article 8 postulates the availability of an effective remedy in law for acts violating the fundamental rights guaranteed to an individual and Article 12 provides for the right to a fair trial. These rights are enshrined in Articles 14 and 21 of the Constitution of India.

Yet, little has happened vis a vis the delivery of justice to riot victims except politicking by our political class to reap benefits out of such dastardly acts. Can it be said in all honesty that the investigation and prosecution in matters relating to communal riots which is really based on protecting human dignity and the right to life, are in accordance with the above, lofty legal principles? 

These questions posed must of necessity give cause for deep introspection. Thus, the Justice Sahai report will be a much-discussed document in the coming UP elections, but only for vote-gathering. Sad, but true.

(The author is Director, Centre for Objective Research and Development [CORD], Lucknow)

The post The UP Election and Riot Politics appeared first on SabrangIndia.
