Author: Shamsul Islam

BJP Independent of RSS: Are You Joking Mr. Nadda?

The president of BJP in conversation with journalists, Liz Mathew and P Vaidyanathan Iyer (The Indian Express, Delhi, May 18, 2024) claimed that“RSS is a cultural organisation and we...

76th Anniversary of Gandhiji’s Martyrdom: Killers identified by Sardar Patel, then Home Minister of India

This remembrance is a compilation, in chronological order of all the communications of Sardar Patel's home ministry, his letters to Nehru, Syama Prasad Mookerjee and Golwalkar on Gandhiji's murder. Tomorrow is January 30, the 76th anniversary of the assassination, the first act of terror in independent India

75th Republic Day of India: Hindutva Juggernaut Rolls on to Demolish Democratic-Secular Indian Republic?

Since Narender Bhai Modi, who claims to be a ‘Hindu Nationalist’ and member of RSS took charge as PM of India, the largest democracy...
