dhakatribune.com | SabrangIndia https://sabrangindia.in/content-author/content-author-27667/ News Related to Human Rights Tue, 19 Oct 2021 12:38:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https://sabrangindia.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Favicon_0.png dhakatribune.com | SabrangIndia https://sabrangindia.in/content-author/content-author-27667/ 32 32 ‘Hindu brothers and sisters, don’t be afraid, we are with you’ https://sabrangindia.in/hindu-brothers-and-sisters-dont-be-afraid-we-are-you/ Tue, 19 Oct 2021 12:38:33 +0000 http://localhost/sabrangv4/2021/10/19/hindu-brothers-and-sisters-dont-be-afraid-we-are-you/ A harmony rally was held by Awami League on Tuesday morning

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Awami League

The ruling Awami League has called its workers and supporters to unite against communal violence.

“Together with the people of the country, we will resist the evil forces under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina,” General Secretary Obaidul Quader told a party event on Tuesday.

Communal tensions have gripped Bangladesh over the past few days following allegations of the Quran being dishonoured at a puja pavilion in Comilla on October 13, triggering violence in several districts across the country.

At least six people were killed and scores have been injured in attacks on Hindu homes, temples and Durga Puja venues over the past seven days in several places across the country.

On Tuesday, the Awami League held a “harmony rally” in front of its headquarters on the Bangabandha Avenue in Dhaka.

“Hindu brothers and sisters, don’t be afraid. You have Sheikh Hasina and the Awami League with you. The Sheikh Hasina-government is a pro-minority one,” he told the rally.

Awami League will remain vigilant until the communal forces are wiped out. Party workers across the country are prepared to confront these evil quarters, he added.

Awami League, as well as its affiliated entities and linked organizations, will organize similar events across the country.

After an emergency meeting at the party chief’s office in Dhanmondi on Monday, General Secretary Obaidul Quader announced the rally for Tuesday.

The central leader of Awami League also announced that, they will also start an organizational tour across the country from November 5.

Awami League President and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasinaattended the meeting through video conferencing from her official residence.

This article was first published in dhakatribune.com and may be read here

The post ‘Hindu brothers and sisters, don’t be afraid, we are with you’ appeared first on SabrangIndia.
