Author: A Legal Researcher

Swiggy’s tiered insurance scheme for delivery fleet & the inherent nature of the Gig economy

In the name of flexibility and independence, differential insurance slabs come at the expense of workers’ rights and protections. Companies like Swiggy leverage this flexibility to implement performance-based incentives that may inadvertently contribute to a culture of overwork and stress among their workforces; by intervening the Congress ruled governments of Karnataka and Rajasthan (formerly) have shown the way

10 Suggestions to government for achieving Viksit Bharat from “Delight Days” (CUDD) to an “Intimacy Bureau” to Ministry of Mandatory Hobbies (MoMH)

Have you ever wondered- “How much is too much?” Because those who drafted Uttarakhand’s Uniform Civil Code that has been passed by the state assembly did not. Legislations are either drafted from an intellectual viewpoint or from a place where there is lack of such intellect. However, some provisions of Uttarakhand look like they have been introduced on the basis of ‘vibes’- a word that has been used by young people to indicate that they have done something because they could.

Electoral Bonds Scheme ‘Unconstitutional’: How do countries across the world deal with Campaign Finance?

How can the damage caused by the unconstitutional Electoral Bonds Scheme be undone and a level playing field be assured? Will answers become more clear after March 13 when the Election Commission of India (ECI) always opposed to the non-transparent scheme prone to an unhealthy non-transparency and possibility of unethical quid pro quos makes public the List of Donors that have contributed substantively to the coffers of the ruling Party? This explainer explores such schemes world-over.
