Author: Vidyadhar Date
Bharat Dabholkar’s adulation of Nathuram Godse is titled Nathuram Godse Must Die
During NDA I under Atal Behari Vajpayee, Hindutva propagandists who also vilify Gandhi had used the original play by Pradeep Dalvi Mee Nathuram Boltey to shift discourse towards his veneration, now under a far more aggressive regime, Bharat Dabholar of the Amul ad fame follows suit with a new adaptation
Weapons of the Weak: Bringing Democracy to the Streets
Kiran Nagarkar, well-known novelist, floated the idea during his recent interaction with activists that some kind of a rasta roko agitation could be held...
Architects and Town Planners Need to Break the Silence: Kamala Mills Fire
Mr Shirish Patel, a well-known figure in urban planning, made an interesting suggestion at a citizens’ meeting earlier this year that we should engage...