Counting Watch Helpline Numbers: civil society groups across the country gears up on June 4

The helpline number issued by the campaign ‘Voters Will Must Prevail’, open from 7 AM to 12 PM on June 4th to report any violation of the procedure anywhere in counting process
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The campaign ‘#Voters Will Must Prevail’, an initiative by the civil society group across the country have launched helpline numbers for report and monitor mal-practices and misconduct during the Lok Sabha election counting 2024. 

The groups set up a ‘Vigilant Voter Task Force’ of lawyers, media persons and activists on counting day across the country. The groups said they will ensuring a methodical counting of votes. Other measures to monitor the counting will be helpline numbers to record and respond to complaints that come in from the ground.

The group are gearing up for ensuring all process in fair manner during the counting of votes without any influence and misconduct in counting of votes. The advocates, media persons and experts will be available all the time to provide necessary support in case of any influencing and misconduct during the counting day arise. The candidates, election agents and vigilant citizens can contact the counting watch team to report any misconduct through these helpline numbers.

Counting watch helpline numbers will be available for North States and South States including Maharashtra and Goa on counting day.

Helpline Numbers for North States:

+91 98704-19280

+91 79825-97191

Helpline Numbers for South States (Including Maharashtra and Goa):

To report any misconduct and malpractice during election counting day in North States including Maharashtra and goa, these numbers are available;

+91 97414-82975

+91 63667-05015

The helpline numbers will be open from 7 AM to 12 Pm on June 4 i.e. counting day.

Voters Will Must Prevail:

The Counting watch is the second intervention and mechanism were put forth by the Delhi Resolution of the concerned citizens and prominent members of civil society on May 28, 2024 to ensure the vote counting process will be fair and in accordance with procedure.

Delhi Resolution Can be read here:


Parakala Prabhakar, political economist and husband to finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman, Syeda Hameed, former chairperson of the National Commission of Women, Teesta Setalvad, civil rights activists from Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP), president of the Jawaharlal Nehru University Students Union (JNUSU) and more are part of this campaign.


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