Communal Organisations Communalism Freedom Violence Women

Deepavali Poem for Gauri

gauri lankesh

Yes, it is that time
Lights twinkle and glitter and
And the sound of Pataki
Going  bang,  boom, crack
Fill the air.   
But I hear not  Pataki
But the sound of a gun…
Going  bang, boom, crack
 “We heard Pataki sound
The neighbours said..”
It was not Pataki
But  bullets from a gun
That ended my sister
Spreading darkness..
I remember a time I burst the biggest of ‘bombs;
and revelled in the sound…
But now  I hear the burst of crackers
Going  bang, boom, crack
I hear Gunshots
Repeatedly piercing ..
Through my sister’s frail body
They gave a state honour for my sister
With three rounds of gun shots in the air
But when the last gun shot went
bang, boom, crack
I clutched my sister-in-laws hand
Tighter and tighter
And died a little inside.
When the final round was shot
There was loud rumble
From the dark cloudy sky above
It was as if Gauri, my sister
growled like a lion…



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