
The Doctor is not needed. Please be seated

​​​​​​​The political, economic, social decisions taken during the pandemic have also exposed other chronic illnesses – those of monumental inequity and inequality, those of crumbling human rights in the face of brutal oppression, those of apathy and arrogance, those of utter humiliation and helplessness! Should we wait for another pandemic to be competent Social and Political Doctors?

Illustrated by Derek Monteiro, a Goan trained in theoretical physics, who spends his time painting, 
writing poetry and playing the jazz piano


“Let’s bulk up on our B vitamins. They help the body cells function properly”

“Vitamin D should be taken xx IU per week for yy months with a calcium supplement. The former helps the latter to be absorbed in the blood. Vitamin K also has a role to play’

“The epidemic impact in India is low as rampant HIV, TB, malaria have already shored up our defenses”

“BCG vaccinated countries are showing a low correlation. India should be safe”

“In India temperatures and humidity, no bloody virus can survive. Let’s hope this summer is the hottest”

“Best to start on Camphor xx homeopathic medicine as a prominent automobile magnate has recommended it”

“What do you think about Arsenicum Album xx? I know several friends on Homeopathy who swear by it”

“The US President walks around fearlessly without a mask. He is on Hydroxychloroquine. I am stocking up on it”

“Turmeric has been used through the ages as an immunity protector. Taking Curcumin capsules is a no brainer. Adding B vitamins, Vitamin C, D should make it complete”

“False positives are putting us all at risk”

“Bald men at higher risk – hormonal imbalances may be a factor”

“Looks like the mRNA vaccine is our best option”

“Guysbe careful. Transmission can happen from surfaces, indoor spaces, outdoor activities, etc., etc.,”

“We are already in the ‘community spread’ stage. Most of us may have herd immunity already”

“Useful to invest in an oximeter. Its all about oxygen finally”

“Results are better if XX is boosted with Vit C, Zinc and ABC”

“It is turning out to be a vascular disease more than a pulmonary one”

“The XXYY trials do not appear conclusive. A sub cohort analysis of both test and control arms are needed”

“There’s bound to be a genetic link somewhere”

If you thought that the above conversations represented a typical day in the life of experienced medical professionals at a premier Medical Institution, guess again! Those were our dear friends and family members speaking!

Adversity creates many opportunities. Necessity is the Mother of Invention. Whoever coined these, must have had Indians in mind. Corona and its continuing aftermath may or may not have touched our conscience, but it certainly has had our brains humming and buzzing with disease patterns, statistical tools, epidemiological models, diagnostic challenges, ventilator technologies, unique bed designs, creative hospital ward layouts, dietary supplements for deficiencies, ayurvedic herbs, homeopathic potions and Unani pills for immunity, risk factors, trial designs, patient inclusion criteria, statistical significance, and much, much, more.

Corona and Covid-19 has made competent physicians out of us. It has made us diet and nutrition counsellors. It has made us Yoga therapists. It has made us Drug Discovery Scientists. It has made us Health Policy advocates. Marriage and Mental health counseling are perhaps the last bastions left!

Or are they? The political, economic, social decisions taken during the pandemic havealso exposed other chronic illnesses – those of monumental inequity and inequality, those of crumbling human rights in the face of brutal oppression, those of apathy and arrogance, those of utter humiliation and helplessness! Should we wait for another pandemic to be competent Social and Political Doctors?

A celebrated writer has called this pandemic a portal. Will it be a portal to a new life or to continuing moral decay and the death of dignity and compassion?

A seven-year-old next door has shown up with her textbook and proudly points to the lessons of the day:

“Eat Fruits and Vegetables of all colors every day”

“Sunshine is the best medicine”

“Eat less sugar”

(The authorhas worked in the pharmaceutical industry for decades and remains clueless about medicine)

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