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Dual Attack on Education: Attempts to Homogenise and Control the Mind

2 Years of the Modi Regime: Saffronisation and Corporatisation are Attempts to Homogenise and Control The Mind

India’s education sector is under a persistent attack from the BJP-dominated NDA II government, which is also trying to convert the centers of learning to a saffron bastion. In addition, the present government has intensified the neo-liberal agenda of the UPA I and II governments and their policies within the education sector.

The government is also pushing very hard to corporatise India’s education sector and is also trying to bring in foreign direct investment in education. This will severely impinge tha access to learning for students and scholars from the more marginalised sections of society.

In content, to further more divisive and entrenched ideas within younger generations, the current regime is aggressively pushing the agenda of ‘saffronisation’ within education. The changes in the curriculum, first begun in Gujarat in 2014 (and even earlier since 1989), the brazen scrapping of important figures like Jawaharlal Nehru from Rajasthan textbooks topped by appointments to senior posts of persons withinin educational and research institutions owing allegiance and long association with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is also a bid to kill intellectual calibre and rationality.

It is clear that the current regime doesn’t want people to think logically, and wants to push its agenda of homogenous society with a clear dominance of the upper-class and castes. The removal of the freedom struggle from the curriculum is motivated to shield generations from knowing the absence of the Hindutvawaadis role in the movement and struggle for independence.

Newsclick interviewed Nandita Narain, President DUTA and FEDCUTA –teachers organisations within Delhi University to discuss two years of the Modi-led NDA II regime and it's impact on education sector


Courtesy: NewsClick

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