Eedina predicts 15 seats for Congress in Karnataka in contradiction to the mainstream surveys; challenges other exit pollsters on their accuracy

Eedina also predicts Congress winning 10 seats in Telangana, 38 in Tamil Nadu and 19 in Kerala during the current Lok Sabha elections

On June 3, a day before the actual counting of votes takes place for the Lok Sabha 2024 elections,, a community based media house, had come out with its poll predictions. The survey conducted by Eedina and their predictions are in contradiction to the mainstream exit polls that have been released since the conclusion of the polls on June 1. These exit polls have majorly supported and promoted the idea of a third term for the BJP, while polls put out by Rudra and DB Live has painted a different picture, showing the INDIA bloc emerging victorious.

As per the poll predictions of Eedina, the Indian National Congress party, which is also governing the state after winning the assembly elections, will continue to maintain its lead in Karnataka over others in the Lok Sabha elections. As per the predictions, Congress party will be winning 15 seats will the Bharatiya Janata Party-led NDA will be able to win 13 seats in the state. It is also essential to note that as per the predictions of Eedina which were released prior to the beginning of the election, it had been alleged that Congress party might be able to secure anywhere between 13 to 18 seats, with a vote share of 46.4%.

If the predictions of the Eedina hold true, the BJP-JD(S) alliance will be able to secure 10 to 13 seats, with a vote share of 44.27%. It is also essential to note that the poll predictions of Eedina for the state assembly elections, which had predicted a win for the Congress Party, had held to be accurate.

Eedina has also released their predictions for the following states:

For the state of Telangana, Eedina has predicted that Congress will be able to win a total of 10 seats while BJP will win 4 to 5 seats and BRS to win 2-3 seats.

For Tamil Nadu, a state where BJP has been trying to making their significant entry, Eedina has projected the NDA to be able to win 1 seat while the INDIA alliance has been predicted to bag 38 seats.

For the state of Kerala, which is another state that has consistently opposed the saffron party and their politics based on communalism, INDIA is forecasted to win 19 seats and NDA only 1 seat.

The complete video can be viewed here:

 Eedina’s challenge to the exit polls:

In addition to releasing their poll findings, Eedina had also sternly denounced the exit polls that had been released by mainstream media houses, some of which are surveys like India Today Axis My India, News24 – Today’s Chanakya, and Republic-Matrize, and had rather demanded for them to discuss their methodology in collecting the data on which their findings are based upon.

As per a video uploaded on YouTube, Eedina‘s research team members Dr Vasu and Bharath, raised concerns behind the surveys upon which the mainstream media are basing their findings and releasing the exit polls. The concerns raised by the team of Eedina was based upon their own recent surveys in Karnataka, through which the team has alleged that the sampling methodologies adopted as well as the outcomes of these exit polls do not align with Karnataka’s demographics and voter preferences. The aforementioned realisation then prompted for the Eedina team to challenge the exit poll results. It is essential to note that most of the surveys released by the mainstream media has shown BJP winning the Lok Sabha elections of 2024 in the state of Karnataka quite comfortably.

Additionally, Eedina has also raised a call for increasing transparency in the exit polls by promoting the agencies to release their sample size, sampling methodology, or the demographic breakdown of their samples. As per Eedina, following the practice of full disclosure will then enable the people to realise the sampling biases that might have crawled in during the surveys. Some of the concerns highlighted by Eedina were under-sampling of women and the less educated voters.

As per Eedina, by ensuring and promoting transparency, the accuracy of these exit polls can then be checked and the public, which could have been misled or influence by biased exit polls, can then re-evaluate their perception.

The complete video can be viewed here:



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