
Election Watch Chhattisgarh: This is how BJP is gaming the vote counts

If you are a voter in Chhattisgarh, the following games will be played by the ruling party on the day the votes are counted. If Congress, the election commission and the vote counters are aggressive and alert, they still have time to liberate the state from BJP.

Vote counting 
Representation Image

Every BJP worker in Chhattisgarh knows that situations are dire for the party during this election. The officers who trust the management have planned something to win on the day votes will be counted. If you are a voter in Chhattisgarh, the following things will happen on that day. If Congress, the election commission and the vote counters are aggressive and alert, they still have time to liberate the state from BJP.

  1. With the help of administrative officials, BJP will play its games in those seats in constituencies where there is a match between three different factions. 
  2. BJP also has eyes on those seats where Congress won in the last election with a less margin. 
  3. You must have noticed that many places had defunct and damaged EVM machines on the day of voting. The conspiracy was to damage the machines so that the people who came early morning to vote would not return to cast them. The party knows that the people are disappointed with the rule and how the party has conducted itself in the last five years. They would want to take revenge the first chance they get by voting as early as possible. It should be noted that most machines went defunct in the 8-11 am slot. Most damaged machines were found in the areas with a strong Congress hold. It was Congress who complained to the EC that EVMs were not functioning. Did BJP complain about anything? Remember that all the damaged machines were from Gujarat. The same region from where PM Modi shouts about Digital India. 
  4. On the day of voting, BJP tactfully and cleverly manipulated the machines by using time management. 
  5. In the early phases of vote counting, Congress will be ahead and then BJP will start soaring. 
  6. BJP will win in the seats which were being contested by three or four factions so that nobody suspects anything. 
  7. If there is a strong competition between parties and if Congress is in a position to win from a small margin, the returning officer can play BJP’s agent and announce the result in their favour. Once he gives the results, that’s the end of it. Then the case will keep dragging just like Mohammad Akbar’s case. Ramesh Bais lost the Lok Sabha election in the same way because of the returning officer of Raipur. After fighting the case in the court for many years, the order came in their favour.  
  8. The party and the agent’s objection during the counting process is of particular importance. If the agent or the party can not object on time, the game changes.  
  9. The agent who sits on the counting table is of special importance. The people of the ruling party make special purchases here. 
  10.  If the receipt from the VV PAT and the number of votes cast in the machine are different, understand that the game has already been played. How many people cast their ballot in which booth, every agent has this knowledge. VV PAT receipts should be counted without mistake. Along with the information that which party received more slips and which ones saw a decline.  
  11. Be alert that the results for the seats which are being gamed by BJP will be delayed. Congress will have to show strength and resistance when the votes are counted.

(Note: The above article was shared by a senior journalist from Chhattisgarh. Due to critical reportage on the oppressive policies of the government, he was transferred to another state before the election.)

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