Dalit Bahujan Adivasi

Family demands SC enquiry in Hathras case: Left organisations

Members of the AIDWA, the AIAWU, the CITU and the AIKS visited the victim’s family to express solidarity in their demand for justice.


Multiple women’s organisations, farmers organisations and workers unions released a joint press release on October 4, 2020 to demand time-bound, effective, enquiry of the Hathras case under the supervision of the Supreme Court.

Organisations such as the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS), the All India Agricultural Workers Union (AIAWU), the All India Union of Forest Working People (AIUFWP) and the All India Democratic Women’s Association further demanded severe punishment to police officers and other officials who neglected their duty. In their statement, they also asked for safety to the victim’s family and the proper implementation of Justice Verma Committee recommendations.

They alleged that the UP BJP-led government had indulged in the threatening and terrorising activities of landlord groups against the poor agricultural labour family.

“The criminal way this case as well as cases of rape, atrocities against women and Dalits are being handled by Yogi Adityanath Government, he does not have any right to continue as Chief Minister,” they said.

A delegation visited Gulgarhi village in Hathras, UP on Sunday to extend solidarity to the Valmiki family whose daughter was brutally gang-raped and killed by upper-caste landlords.

“It is with great difficulty that the delegation was allowed by the police to go to the house of the victim. The village is still cordoned and their neighbours are terrorized. The delegation had to wait for three hours to meet the family,” said the press release.

According to the statement, the family members held the BJP Government responsible for their daughter’s death.

“The mother narrated how, the police in an inhuman way cremated her child without allowing her to even have a look. She also said that her daughter has named the culprits before her death,” they said.

Moreover, the family said the brother’s father-in-law was manhandled by police officials. The girl’s father said they do not have faith in the BJP State Government or in the CBI Enquiry. Instead, they demanded a judicial enquiry supervised by the Supreme Court.

The organisations pointed out that the Valmiki agricultural labour family own no land except their house. They only receive a daily wage of Rs. 200 through the agricultural jobs given by the upper caste landlords. Thus, the family faces constant threat from them. A neighbour even said that the family was threatened of dire consequences.

The organisations also expressed concern about the increasing atrocities against women and Dalits. To show support for the call of justice, the organisations intend to launch a nationwide campaign for Dalits and women as an integral part of the struggle against corporates and neoliberalism.



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