Farm and Forest World

Greta Thunberg continues to support farmers, offers toolkit on Twitter

While Indian celebrities band together to popularise government-favoured hashtags, activist Greta Thunberg posts about possible methods to support the movement online.

Greta Thunberg continues to support farmers

Climate change activist Greta Thunberg continues to support farmers’ protest in India despite intense social media backlash on Twitter. On February 4, 2021 the 18-year-old shared a “toolkit” document that summarised the goal of the peasant struggle and listed campaigns to further the cause.


Earlier, personalities like Thunberg and singer Rihana faced severe backflash for supporting the peasantry. The hashtag of “India Against Propaganda” trended on social media wherein Indian actors like Akshay Kumar, Kangana Ranaut as well as sportspersons like P. T. Usha and Sachin Tendulkar claimed that “external forces” should not indulge in national issues. However, the young activist remained unaffected by trolls and abuse by right-wing elements.

Among the various plans of actions listed, she suggested on-ground protests at the nearest Indian Embassy, media house or local government office on February 13, February 14.

Moreover, she encouraged people to tweet support to Indian farmers using hashtags such as #FarmersProtest and #StandWithFarmers. Thunberg said people can call or email government representatives, sign petitions and also take action to divest from fossil fuel industries. 

She also attached three petitions to the Indian government by the farmers media cell Kisan Ekta Morcha, the United Nations and the UK MPs to encourage them to support farmers’ protest.

Meanwhile, the Sanyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) acknowledged and thanked the international supporters on February 3, Day 71 of the farmers’ movement.

“On the one hand, it is a matter of pride that eminent personalities of the world are showing sensitivity towards the cause of farmers, while on the other hand, it is unfortunate that the Government of India is not understanding the pain of the farmers and some people are even calling peaceful farmers as terrorists,” said the SKM in a press release.


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