
Gujarat Elections: The Fight Has Just Begun, We’ll Fight BJP Tooth and Nail, says Jignesh Mevani after Winning from Vadgam

Dalit leader Mevani was supported by all opposition parties and defeated BJP by 19,696 votes.

Dalit leader Jignesh Mevani won from Vadgam, a Scheduled Caste reserved seat in Banaskantha district, on Monday as an independent candidate. He defeated BJP’s Vijaykumar Harkhabhai Chakravarti, a Congress turncoat, by 19,696 votes. The BJP managed to retain the state it has been ruling for over two decades with a thin majority.

Mevani was supported by the Congress, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and others. Speaking to Newsclick over phone, he said, “I thank people of Vadgam for showing faith in my candidature and ensuring my victory.”

“Though the BJP has come to power, we will keep marching ahead and fight for people’s right. Now, the voices of the voiceless and oppressed will be heard in Gujarat. The fight has just started. As a strong Opposition, we will fight the fascist forces tooth and nail. I am committed to people and will always be there with them,” he said.

The statewide verdict, he says, is a bit disappointing but he will always fight for the rights of people on the floor of the house as well as in the streets.

“We will set our agenda while discarding their communal and fascist policies,” he added.

“The division of votes did not take place, at least not among Dalits and Muslims. Jignesh bhai has worked hard for these communities, braving the wrath of the state. His victory has heralded a change in the home turn of PM Modi,” a local Bhawesh Kumar told Newsclick.

The 36-year-old advocate-turned politician shot to fame after he organised movement in July, in the aftermath of flogging of Dalit youths in Una, Gujarat. He led a long march ‘Azadi Kooch’ demanding land for his community. In another jolt for the Gujarat government, Mevani then organised Dalit protests against the old-age practice of disposing animal carcasses over the Una incident.

Political observers proclaimed him as “the face of resistance against BJP”, along-with Hardik Patel and Alpesh Thakor.

A day before the counting, Mevani rubbished predictions of a BJP victory and said, “Exit polls are nonsense. BJP is definitely going to lose this time and will not form the government.”

In the current elections, Congress president Rahul Gandhi worked on new political strategies in Gujarat to take on the BJP in prime minister Modi’s home state. Apart from visiting a series of temples in an apparent attempt to project the Congress in a soft Hindutva mould, an understanding was reached with dominant and emerging caste leaders in Gujarat, including Hardik Patel of the Patidars, Jignesh Mewani of the Dalits and Alpesh Thakor of the OBCs.


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