Hate Watch: violence against Dalits fails to get attention

As the election frenzy gets over, news of violence against Dalit has continued. Three incidents were reported in the month of June in the first ten days alone from Uttar Pradesh.

Sabrang India and CJP is tracking hate against Dalits and other communities taking place in the country. The following incidents pertaining to violence against Dalits have been compiled from June 1st to June 12th. 

Mainpuri, Uttar Pradesh

A Dalit youth in Mainpuri, while working on his own land, was attacked by a group of men. The authorities have registered a case involving assault and harassment against the Dalit community under the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989. As per reports, the police is now searching for the culprits who are currently absconding. The police have filed a complaint against one Munshi Khan and his associates. 

The victim has said in his complaint that on June 9 he was working on his plot when a couple of men came and started swearing at him. When he stood up to them, they started threatening to take his life and began to beat him. 

On June 7th, it was reported that a group of Dalit women protesting against liquor shops in Uttar Pradesh’s Mainpuri were beaten by the shop owners. The women were also subjected to casteist slurs and also threats to their life. 

Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

On June 2nd, another horrifying incident took place in Lucknow, where a man urinated on the face of a Dalit labourer while he was taking an afternoon nap. The incident was even shot on camera and uploaded online after which it quickly went viral on social media.

The victim, Rajkumar Rawat, had been resting after a day’s work when the accused allegedly urinated on his face to wake him up. Rawat’s family has written a complaint to the police, who say that the investigation in the matter has started. 

This was the third incident from June reported from Uttar Pradesh. As per statistics, UP bears 28% of the total number of crimes committed against Dalit people across all over India. In 2022, a total of 57,428 crimes were reported to have been committed against Dalits in UP alone. 

Morena, Madhya Pradesh

In Morena, Madhya Pradesh, a Dalit sarpanch was reportedly tied to a tree and beaten. After the violence, the man was forced to flee his native village. The sarpanch of Koutharkalan panchayat has reportedly filed a complaint at the Porsa police station on Thursday. He had reportedly faced harassment over the past two years. The attackers had pressured him to leave his position and hand over his digital account details. However, after he refused to follow their demands, the goons allegedly took him to the outskirts of Koutharkalan, tied him to a tree, and brutally thrashed him, according to PTI


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