February 1, 2016 10,000 students and political activists march in Mumbai to protest the State abetted suicide of Rohith Vemula. As his comrade Dontha Prashant interpreting Rohith’s last note put it: “Rohith refused to continue life as a victim. He chose instead to be a star.” An eternal star whom this nation will forget only at its own peril. Joint Action Committee Mumbai: The Mumbai Students Solidarity Front (MSS) first organised the student protest in Mumbai University on January 19, 2016 demanding justice for Rohith and the other four students who were thrown out of their hostels on false allegations made by the ABVP president of HCU, Susheel Kumar. After the protest a need for a broader alliance was felt. Various Ambedkarite, progressive and democratic organisations from Mumbai, Thane and Navi Mumbai came together and formed a front on called “Justice for Rohith – Joint Action Committee, Mumbai” under the guidance of Prakash Ambedkar (January 22, 2016)…continued