Dalit Bahujan Adivasi Freedom Gender Violence Women

#IWillGoOut: Women’s Protest March across 14 Cities on January 21 to Denounce Violence Against Women

Despite large protests after the Nirbhaya gang rape, our country still remains complacent about violence against women.

Despite large protests after the Nirbhaya gang rape, our country still remains complacent about violence against women. This has recently come into focus again after the Bangalore mass sexual assault on December 31 and even more recently, the sexual molestation of a girl in Ladakh by her professor.

These horrors are everywhere. Accusations of victim blaming and character assassination of women is commonplace whereas the actions of the perpetrators are explained away as “boys will be boys”. This patriarchal and misogynistic culture of questioning women’s right to be in the public sphere needs to end.

 To combat this, team #IWillGoOut is organising a protest march on 21st January 2017 in 14 cities and towns of India (Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow, Puducherry, Ahmedabad, Silchar, Jaipur and Karimganj.) We are also being joined by individuals in Kashmir for an online campaign simultaneously.  
In Hyderabad a ‘March for Women Safety’ under #IWillGoOut is planned from Jal Vihar to People’s Plaza at 5 PM on 21st January 2017.
#IWillGoOut is a collective of individuals and organisations across various cities in India that strongly denounces Violence Against Women and advocates for women’s right to be seen, heard and be in public spaces at any given time. We are a movement of the people, for the people, by the people.

Some of the organisations we have on board at the moment are Fearless Collective, Red Dot Foundation (Safecity), The Red Elephant Foundation, Menstrupedia, Take Back The Night Calcutta, Why Loiter? Mumbai, SAMYAK, Pitrusatta Virodhi Purush, Why Loiter? Pune, KrantiKali, Feminism in India, Women Making Films, Voice4Girls, Tharuni, The Spoilt Indian Woman, One Billion Rising, Hyderabad for Feminism (HfF), Telangana Hijra Transgender Samiti, Human Rights Law Network, Telangana Hijra Intersex Transgender Samiti, Tharuni Women’s Collective and Jagori.

We also received support from 1@1 movement from USA who extended their solidarity to us in reclaiming public spaces. We are also actively reaching out to other organisations across the country to make this movement as inclusive as we can.
Our vision for this movement is for everyone to:
a) have the freedom to walk and live in our country without fear at anytime of day or night,
b) reclaim public spaces for women and girls,
c) do a safety audit in the region including the response of the law enforcement to crime against women,
d) create a violence free world for future generations,
e) ensure that gender sensitization takes place in institutions, organizations and courts of law,
g) ensure inclusive and safe infrastructure that will make women’s access to public spaces easier (for example, 24 hour public transport, well-lit streets, walkable footpaths, public toilets and so on)
We are coming together in various cities on 21st Jan, 2017 in solidarity with the survivors of the Mass Sexual Harassment that took place in Bangalore this New Year's eve. We’re calling out to everyone who has been affected by misogynistic mindsets, and asking them to join the movement, to take a stand and to no longer accept violence and harassment as the norm.

We’re encouraging survivors to speak up and have their voices heard to reclaim their bodies, their streets and their country. On 21st Jan, peaceful gatherings, across 12 cities/towns and counting, will be organised at 5 pm.

We will come together as one. Events are being planned in Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow, Puducherry, Ahmedabad, Silchar and Karimganj. An online campaign supporting the movement is also being implemented in Ladakh and other parts of Kashmir.
For more information on events being planned in your city or town, do like our facebook page ( and stay tuned for updates.

For a list of Frequently Asked Questions for the benefit of understanding the reality of violence against women, click here.
For details of #IWillGoOut events held in other cities please email us at
For details about Hyderabad #IWillGoOut  please contact Varsha Bhargavi at or call mobile: 8008888073 or Apurva at 9570282898 or 
With warm regards
Varsha Bhargavi

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