
Jamia shooter, Ram Bhakt Gopal upgrades arm-power from regular gun to an AK 47?

The infamous hate offender is seen walking around with an army of men holding what appear to be AK 47 rifles; as if for his security, them escorting him around

Ram Bhakt

Ram Bhakt Gopal, aka Gopal Sharma, is remembered as the man who aimed his gun and shot at protestors near Delhi’s Jamia Milia Islamia during the protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019 (CAA) and the North east Delhi violence that followed. The picture of him welding the gun and pointing it towards the protesting crowd became one of the prominent pictures of the protest. It was only after one student was injured after he fired a shot, did the police catch hold of him. He was 19 then and 3 years later now, he has upgraded from a regular firearm to an AK47

Gopal is now seen in a video being escorted by men wielding what look like AK 47 guns in a series of 2-3 video clippings. The video was posted by a Twitter account called Hindutva Watch. 



In the video he can be seen constantly surrounded by men holding AK47 like guns and in one frame, a huge axe can also be seen. It is pertinent to note that AK 47 is a prohibited weapon as per the Arms Act and Rules thereunder. It is an offence punishable with up to 10 years in prison under section 25(1A) of the Arms Act.

In April last year, it was alleged that Gopal uploaded a video aiming a gun at women and children and recording their terrified reactions. 

On his Twitter account he can be seen promoting Sanatan Dharm and worshipping Nathuram Godse, the man who killed Mahatma Gandhi, as his hero.

In July 2021, he was nabbed by Gurugram Police for raising slogans in support of Muslim genocide at a Hindi Mahapanchayat and was granted bail in August that year. 

Illegal firearms are available in many parts of Northern India, including Bihar, Delhi  where they repair, assemble and sell small arms as well as AK47 and AK 57 assault rifles. These are mostly unoriginal guns since Russia has stopped manufacturing AK47 rifles.


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