Education Freedom Politics Rule of Law

JNU serves notice to student union chief over protests at admin block

Continuing with its spate of show-cause notices, the JNU administration has now issued a notice to student union president Mohit Pandey warning him of action if the protests at the administrative block are not stopped.

Mohit Pandey


Following chaos in the Academic Council (AC) meeting, the administration has also sought police presence for the Executive Council (EC) meeting scheduled on Tuesday.

Nine students were suspended for allegedly “disrupting” the AC meeting along with a teacher who was served notice for addressing them.

“The series of show-cause notices and suspensions are just an attempt by the administration to attack the student unity and destroy the protest culture at the varsity. The suspended students have refused to appear before the enquiry committee and we will protest outside the EC meeting venue as well,” Pandey.

The JNU Teachers Association (JNUTA) has also announced its support to the agitating students and requested the EC members not to endorse the proclaimed Academic Council’s decisions and send the matters back to it for a proper discussion.

Courtesy: Janta Ka Reporter

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