Elections2019 Politics

Kanhaiya Kumar’s Photoshopped Image Being Circulated With Appeal Of Not Voting For Him

Kanhaiya Kumar, Communist Party of India (CPI)’s candidate for Begusarai Lok Sabha constituency is fighting a crucial election against Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)’s Union Minister Giriraj Singh. The student leader is reportedly giving a tough fight to Giriraj Singh and grabbing the attention of India. There is a third and crucial contender, Tanveer Hassan from the RJD in the fray too.

Kanhaiya Kumar fake image photoshopped Begusarai CPI

 The real and photoshopped image of Kanhaiya Kumar

The oratory skill of the 32-year-old student leader has appealed to the masses and in Begusarai, which is his native, too. But, to defeat Kanhaiya Kumar, one of the youngest and firebrand leaders of India, BJP’s IT Cell has started using the same trick– circulating doctored and photoshopped images to malign credential of the opponent.

A photoshopped image, which was started circulating in 2016, soon after Kanhaiya was slapped with sedition charges over a doctored video has surfaced again with a fresh message that connects it with the election.

In 2016, when sedition charges were slapped against Kanhaiya, the former president of Jawahar Lal Nehru University Student Union (JNUSU) was doing his Doctorate in Philosophy (PhD) and in February, this year, he has completed it.

fake image hate message kanhaiya kumar
The hate message which is circulating along with the fake image of Kanhaiya Kumar. Not only is fake image being circulated against the challenger of Giriraj Singh, but a very strong hate message is also doing round along with it, this time appealing people to not vote for him.

Rough translation of the message circulating along with the photoshopped image is, “Look at the map behind this cunning, traitor carefully. Now think from this, what kind of PhD one does in JNU. Whom the Left wing people consider their leaders? Whom the Bhim (Ambedkar) ideologue support? And what is their mentality.”

It adds, “The plan is to break India into 36 pieces. Before that, the guy (Kanhaiya) can raise his head again, crush him, this is the call of the nation.”
There is a religious slogan also at the end of the message. And three emoticons have been used at three different places of the message to give it emotional touch.

In 2016 itself, Lallantop, a news portal had done a story on the fake image of Kanhaiya Kumar being circulated and had debunk it. But as Kanhaiya is challenging PM Modi’s minister, once again the old image is out and is being pushed to WhatsApp group and other social media platform.

Courtesy: enewsroom

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