Kerala Guv denies permission for special session for resolution against Farm laws

A similar resolution was passed by Delhi Assembly where CM Arvind Kejriwal tore the copy of farm laws


Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan refused to give approval for holding a special session of the state Assembly to pass a resolution against the three farm laws passed by the Centre. The three The Farm laws have caused a huge uproar amongst farmers ad which has led to one of the most powerful protests witnessed in independent India.

There were news reports since the past two days that Kerala government was keen on passing a resolution against the controversial Farm laws passed by the Centre. The session was to be held on December 23, after approval from the Governor. The government forwarded the state cabinet’s decision on December 21, to the Governor to pass the resolution at the special session. The Governor had asked to know the urgency of the same and the CM had responded accordingly, after which the approval was not accorded, reported Indian Express.

The CM, Pinarayi Vijayan unhappy with Khan’s decision wrote him a letter stating the power to summon a session of the legislative assembly clearly falls outside the discretionary power of the governor and moving resolutions and conducting discussions in a Legislative Assembly “cannot be regulated by gubernatorial powers”. “It is regrettable that a recommendation coming from an elected Government, enjoying clear majority in the Legislative Assembly, for discussing an emergent issue of national importance, has not been acceded to by the Hon’ble Governor, especially when the power to summon a session of the Legislative Assembly clearly falls outside the discretionary power of the governor,” Vijayan said in the letter, reported Outlook.

On the other hand, BJP leader V Muraleedharan hailed the decision and said, “We welcome the Governor’s decision to not let the floor of Kerala Assembly be used for a cheap political stunt by CPIM Kerala and Pinarayi Vijayan. A motivated move by Kerala govt to subvert the Constitution averted for good”.

The Delhi Assembly, on December 17, passed a resolution against the farm laws to register its protest against the controversial laws. During the session, Kejriwal tore up the copies and urged the central government to not behave like “British colonisers”, reported The Print. Ironically, Delhi government had notified one of the farm laws about a month ago.


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