
Kolkata Muslim resident threatened with Hindutva rant at home

The perpetrators threw a paper containing words like ‘refugee’ and ‘hindutva’ in her balcony

Anti Muslims

Right-wing supremacist groups have been fanning the flames of Hindu-Muslim hate in India despite a history of coexistence for generations. With the contentious Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) looking to single out minorities, the Muslims have found themselves concerned about their future as citizens of India especially if the National Register of Citizens (NRC) exercise is implemented through the country. For if this happens, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Parsis and Catholics left out of the NRC list may stand to get citizenship under the CAA, and the people from Muslim community who cannot provide proof of their citizenship will not stand to benefit from the CAA either.

With the announcement of the CAA-NPR-NRC, India witnessed widespread protests from the marginalized communities and students who took it upon themselves to get the government to repeal the CAA. Then came the pro-CAA supporters, who have seemingly gone on a rampage trying to get their point across – threatening the anti-CAA protesters with deadly consequences and indulging in hate speech against them.

While such public threats were bad enough, the hatred has now crept into people’s homes, with one such example being below.

This sinister move by whoever carried it out just goes to show hate has seeped in and how! A veiled threat as this is only another psychological torture mechanism of minorities who are not even involved in the politics of hate.

One Twitterati who commented on the post rightly asked, “What chance does she have of a fair hearing in NRC with such attitudes?”

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