
KP Sasi, a Tribute: The Loss of a dear, brave friend

KP Sasi
KP Sasi

Today (25 December 2022) I came to know about the sad demise of my dear and close friend K.P.Sasi. I came across this creative and brilliant person when I was working for my book, ‘Communalism: Illustrated Primer’. I had long chats with him on the issue of communalism. He himself was very concerned about this issue and readily agreed to illustrate the book. And what a remarkable work! His cartoon, ‘skeletons talking to each other and asking their religions’ will never be forgotten.

Another instance, his cartoon on beauty pageant, with one of the contestants being a Miss Poverty will leave its imprint: it typified the type of work he did, in such a committed, dedicated and compassionate manner. And there are number of these cartoons which need to be re-circulated.

His film making is another great contribution. His brief film ‘America’, is a must watch for all those who are concerned about the damage Imperialism has inflicted on the world.

I also worked with him closely in National Solidarity Forum for over one and half decades. He doggedly pursued the Kandhamal issue for last many years and kept us on our toes to keep fighting for the human rights of victims of the violence.

I have not seen his other films but whatever little I have seen; his films, cartoons and writings are outstanding. His work will be an inspiration for us all to pursue the struggle for Human Rohjts, with deep understanding and commitment. 

It is an irreparable loss for all of us working for democratic rights and trying to preserve humane values in society.

I am grieved personally.  

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