
Kristallnacht for India’s Muslims?

Recently activist Kavita Krishnan visited Muzaffarnagar along with Harsh Mander, John Dayal and many other civil society members to take stock of ground realities. Here is her own account of what they discovered, compiled from tweets.

Indian Muslims

Evidences suggest that, in short: UP police, PAC, RAF are the “rioters” – दंगाई – here, targeting & trashing Muslim homes. RAF was also involved in this destruction of Muslim homes singled out for being prosperous. One left his blue cap behind. Police, PAC, RAF doing this said, “Muslims will be thrown out of India, don’t damage the floor or walls, after all, all this will one day belong to us.”

Not a single plate or cup or shelf has been left whole. Each & every thing has been broken, under pretext of a “flag march” by PAC, RAF, police. In a home, there was only a woman with 3 children at night when the forces stormed in & trashed it. Images from another Muslim home, with a sawmill. It too has been trashed fully, a man dragged off, arrested, forced to sign to possession of guns, a teenage boy detained & tortured for 2 days, a young girl’s head badly injured when she tried to protect her uncle.








There are several other homes ransacked in the same way by police. Also, in the presence of UP Police, BJP men led mobs which torched, vandalised Muslims’ shops at Meenakshi Chowk, Dena Bank building, cars belonging to ex MP Syeduzzama. Photos appeared in papers.



Note that not a single Hindu person, or shop, or home has been torched or attacked or harmed. Some stone pelting by protestors – maybe. But the police have NOT acted against actual communal rioters who told Muslim shop owners “K***ey, Pakistan jao”. Instead all we saw were “wanted” notices of poor Muslim boys and men, with rewards announced for information about them or for their capture! And police has itself acted as the biggest rioters, biggest दंगाई.

Now, in light of the above thread, read this tweet by the UP CM, triumphantly gloating that he is great because “rioters” are demoralised, weeping, will have to pay, have been put in their place etc.


Over & over again in #Muzaffarnagar, UP Police has openly flaunted the communal script of NPR-NRC-CAA that PM Modi denies. They’ve told Muslims they’ll be sent to Pakistan, their properties will be seized & handed over to Hindus. The Meerut SP Akhilesh Singh is no exception. He was merely caught on video saying & doing what UP Police with Yogi Aadityanath approval is saying, doing all over UP. Courts, media, NHRC, etc all have failed us. Democracy is being killed.

Kristallnacht for India’s Muslims. – Piles of broken glass everywhere, the aftermath of Muslim homes, shops, vehicles were smashed by police, paramilitary & Sanghis in UP. That’s what Nazis & paramilitary did to German Jews in 1938. Next step was the concentration camps.



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