Communal Organisations Communalism

Maharashtra: CJP files complaint with Nagpur police against two trishul distribution events, organised by Bajrang Dal & VHP

At these events, tridents were distributed amongst men to stop “love jihad” and religious conversions

On May 12, Citizens for Justice and Peace had complained to the Commissioner of Police, Nagpur to register a complaint against the two Trishul Diksha events held in Nagpur, Maharashtra in the month of May. The said two events were held on May 2 and May 9, and were organised extremist outfits owing allegiance to Hindutva, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal. At these events, in addition to distribution of tridents amongst men, hate speeches are delivered exhorting Hindus to take up arms.

In the said complaint, CJP had flagged these two events, where demands for the declaration of India as a Hindu nation were also raised, and the speakers and members had indulged in peddling various conspiracy theories to generate hate towards Muslims. Through this complaint, CJP highlighted that Bajrang Dal (BD) and Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) have been organising such trishul distribution events regularly in the state of Rajasthan, and have been creating disharmony, furthering their communal agenda. In reference to this, the complaint emphasised that since Maharashtra has been on the target of such Hindutva groups from November 2022, it is essential that the authorities urgently take action over these trishul distribution events being organised in Maharashtra, before these spread to other areas, districts and cities. The organisation has pointed out that these actions and speeches amount to nothing less than unlawful acts to mobs to take law into their own hands, intimiditate and commit violence. They also generate a sense of insecurity among vulnerable sections, India’s Muslims.

At the event organised on May 2, a speaker had also delivered the hate speech, while openly giving calls for using the said trishuls to stop “love jihad” and religious conversions. He had said, But they are converting our Hindu girls. Bajrang Dal must work against it. Religious conversion is taking place in good localities as well. These Christian pastors and Muslim maulvis take advantage of the uneducated people, who are not aware of the law and do religious conversion.”

In the said complaint to the Nagpur police, CJP had sought swift and stringent action against the speakers, members and the extremist organisation of Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad under sections of the Arms Act and certain sections of the IPC in view to the overall unsafe atmosphere for the Muslim community that is being generated through the systemic and the perpetrated use of hate speech and writing within the country. Reliance had also been put upon the recent judgments of the Supreme Court in the complaint. Urgent action was then urged as such expression of targeted and extreme hate with a clear communal objective to establish religious hegemony upon a community that is already a minority in numbers in the country, is deplorable and against the constitutional values that we uphold as citizens of this country.

It was also stressed upon in the complaint that such speech and hate content has the direct potential to cause physical and mentally bodily harm to marginalized groups, their women and render their already insecure life further eroded of dignity and equality.

The entire complaint can be read here:


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