Apart from fasting, the pious month of Ramadan is also seen as an ideal time to spread the messages and teachings of Islam and Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). In an attempt to promote the same, Muslims of Maharashtra are celebrating the month of Ramadan with other fellow marginalised communities. Yavatmal-based activist Subhan Ali and his team of volunteers, under the banner of “Prophet Mohammed for All”, are collecting funds to provide new clothes to nearly 10,000 Dalit and Adivasi children of Maharashtra.
Speaking with Twocircles.net, Subhan Ali said, “Prophet Muhammed was sent by Allah as a Rahamatualameen (Cherisher of the Universe). During his time, he spread the message of peace, brotherhood and communal harmony. He set an inspiring example before us. He used to maintain good relations with other communities and also donate his Zakat (compulsory charity) and Sadqa (voluntary charity) to the people of other religions as well. This is a small effort on our part to help and include Dalit and Adivasi children also in our celebrations.”
Ali added that the initiative had received a very good response from members of all communities, especially Muslims. “Apart from clothes, we also aim to provide ‘Sheer Khurma’ party to about 1 lakh Dalit and Adivasi brothers and sisters,” he added.
According to Subhan, Muslim activists from Pune, Baramati, Solapur, Karmala, etc. have started working aggressively to make this mission a huge success. “We have already received commitments of about 2,000 clothes. Maratha and Dalit activist are extending their cooperation equally well,” he added.
Babu Rao Ghongde, a social activist from Hingoli District warmly welcomed this initiative. Speaking with TwoCirlces.net, he said, “We usually celebrate our festivals with our relatives, we invite high-profile people to our home but these Muslim youths are inviting downtrodden people. I have no words to thank these youths. This initiative will surely help to spread the real character of Prophet Muhammad Saheb and his teachings.”
Dr Ravindra Rathod, a practising Ortho surgeon in Parbhani city, said, “I am quite sure that this move will help boost brotherhood, social relations among Muslims and marginalized and eliminate misconceptions about Islam and Muslims. People will understand that the political system which divides us is the main culprit here.
Subhan Ali and his state-level team have also been running the Danga-Mukt Maharashtra Campaign (Riot-free Maharashtra) since the last two years. This team has successfully organised Shivshahi Sankalp Melava at Raigad on September-27 in 2016 which was attended by thousands of Muslims.
Editor’s note:
If someone wants to help Subhan Ali and his team in their endeavours, please contact Subhan at 9511222211.