
Mazdoor Kisan Maha Panchayat staged by Besonika Mazdoor Union in Manesar 


In Manesar in Haryana.the Besonika Mazdoor Union held a Mazdoor Kisan Panchayat from 10 p.m to 3 p.m at the Gurgaon District Collectors office, protesting the anti-people policies of Modi govt.and pro-capitalist designs of the rulers

Bharatiya Kisan Union (Ugrahan ) president Joginder Singh Ugrahan was present with other peasant organisation leaders. Workers organisations from Gurgaon and Uttarakhand also joined. Interarc Workers in preparation stage a mini-maha panchayat a few days ago in Uttarakahand. Inquilabi Mazdoor Kendra also made a considerable contribution, through ideological-political campaigning. Cloth Mazdooor Union workers, Ineterarc workers from Uttarakhand, Hitachi Contract workers, and Aisan workers also participated.

Belsonika Union secretary Ajit Singh explained the objectives of the Mazdoor Kisan Panchayat and narrated the goal of the four labour laws instated by Narendra Modi and why it was essential to get them scrapped.

Ajit elaborated the strategy of the management to break the backbone of the workers organised movement by installing contract labour system, retrenching old workers, bringing in fresh team trainees and dismantling trade Unions. Unemployment has scaled unprecedented levels, with all permanent workers replaced by contract or badly workers.

Ajit went on to narrate how the workers and peasants waged a battle against a common enemy and their struggle could not bee viewed in isolation of each other. He stated it was imperative that it forged unity in struggles in a common front, by linking issues. Both classes were equally victimised by the government policies.

It was time for the workers and peasants to challenge the wrath of capitalism and raise a national level stir against the ruling BJP and imperative to undertake a ground level preparatory campaign to build a collective organisation.

Ironic that last year on November 14th, the Mazdoor Kisan panchayat staged an identical programme, in which workers participated in huge numbers.

For some days Belsonika Union undertook meticulous preparatory work to stage the panchayat, through leafleting, postering and social media like facebook. It turned out effective. The methods they adopted in mobilising are most complementary.

We must note it is complex and challenging to unite workers and peasants on a common platform, considering differences in culture, outlook, production methods etc.The gap has to be narrowed through consistent, painstaking ideological work. Mere mobilisation can never substitute grassroots work.

Harsh Thakor is a freelance journalist who covers mass movements around India


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