Elections2019 Politics

“Media Falsehoods Generate Sense of Pessimism”: CPI (M) Tears into TOI’s Allegations of Collusion with BJP in WB

In a shocking allegation made in a widely read mainstream English language daily, The Times of India (TOI)  has claimed that the Communist Party of India – Marxist CPI (M) cadres are silently helping the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in a fight against the Trinamool Congress (TMC). However, senior CPI (M) leader Mohammed Salim has rubbished the claim as ‘baseless’.

Mohammed salim

In a statement, Salim, says “In The Times of India, Kolkata edition, dated 9th May, 2019, a story headlined, ‘When Red takes on a shade of saffron’, with a subhead, ‘CPM cadres silently help BJP in fight against Didi’, by one Mohua Chatterjee, contains a series of pernicious lies about the Communist Party of India-Marxist, its members and supporters. The writer seeks to present shocking falsehoods about the CPIM, in a manner, that may even harm the social harmony of West Bengal in the short run.”

The TOI story cites anonymous sources from the BJP claiming that they have received support from CPI (M) cadres and cites the example of Kolkata Uttar where BJP’s Rahul Singh hopes to oust TMC’s Sudip Bandopadhyay. The TOI story claims, “CPM workers have offered help and BJP is tapping them. BJP’s poll managers are holding regular, but discreet, meetings with them to plan door-to-door campaigns in some pockets, silently and without slogans.”

Hitting out at the publication for not following the ‘basic journalistic norms’, Salim has said that the report, claiming that CPIM workers were helping BJP in managing the booths during the ongoing elections, doesn’t even include any verification from the CPIM members, even anonymously. “There is no quote of any CPIM cadre or polling agent, not even an anonymous one, nor has any effort been made to get the party’s version. The entire report is based on statements by an unknown BJP member, which may well be a figment of the writer’s imagination”, said Salim.
Further accusing TOI for its biased journalism, Salim said, “It is well known to the politically conscious voters of West Bengal that The Times of India, along with other publications, receives advertisements worth lakhs, if not crores, from parties like Bharatiya Janata Party and Trinamul Congress.”

Salim has also expressed concerns regarding omissions and under-reporting of key issues by the media in West Bengal. He cites the example of the month-long hunger strike by aspiring SSC teachers demanding transparency in the recruitment process. He also points to lathi charge by Kolkata police at the computer teachers who were protesting for the payment of their full salaries, among other instances of stories that he feels did not get adequate attention in the press. Pointing out rampant corruption and violence under the TMC, Salim also highlighted how even journalists in the state were facing brutal attacks.

Meanwhile, according to the TOI story, West Bengal chief minister, Mamata Banerjee, has warned her party workers against this alleged bonhomie between CPIM workers and BJP. At various rallies, she has said, “Harmads (referring to CPIM workers) are doing it again, beware of them, they are helping our enemies, be careful, be alert.”

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