
Modi – India’s New Mahatma

Newsclick makes a humble appeal to Prime Minister Modi Ji to de-Gandhi-ise India.

Khadi Modi

Dear Modi-ji

Hearty congratulations on your pathbreaking move to replace the image of Mahatma Gandhi from the calendars and diaries of the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) for 2017.

Here are some humble suggestions from our side.

Now that you have successfully eradicated all the black money in India, we believe you should go further.

We want your photo on all the new currency notes – de-gandhi-isation of currency should be next!

Your leadership of the ATM march brought millions of Indians out to the streets. This was much bigger than Gandhi’s Dandi March!

As you have replaced Gandhi, please consider replacing Nehru with Amit Shah in all images of the freedom struggle

With love,


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