MP, UP witness shocking incidents of violence against Dalits

India once again witnesses a trail of violence against Dalits as three incidents recorded on camera emerge on social media 
Image Courtesy: Getty Images/ David Talukdar/NurPhoto

Man Stripped Naked and Beaten in Sagar City, Madhya Pradesh

A deeply shocking video has emerged on social media platforms, showcasing a distressing incident that occurred in Madhya Pradesh’s Sagar city. The footage shows a man stripped naked and brutally thrashed by a group of men who accused him of theft. The incident has sparked outrage and shed light on the prevalence of vigilantism and mob violence in the region.

In the video, the vulnerable victim is seen slumped against a wall while his clothes lie scattered beside him. The assailants, armed with pieces of pipes, repeatedly strike his hands, inflicting pain and further humiliation. The inhumane act highlights the deplorable state of law and order, as well as the need for swift action to address the issue.

Local authorities have been alerted to the video, and it is hoped that a thorough investigation will be carried out to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Dalit Man Forced to Lick Slippers in Sonbhadra District, Uttar Pradesh

Another distressing incident has come to light, this time in a village located in Sonbhadra district, Uttar Pradesh. A viral video captures a local electrical lineman mercilessly beating a Dalit man and forcing him to lick his footwear. The shocking act of humiliation has reignited the discussion around caste-based discrimination and the urgent need for social reforms.

The accused, identified as Patel, a contractual lineman in the Shahganj area of Sonbhadra district, was promptly arrested following the filing of a complaint by the victim, a member of the Dalit community. The incident has prompted authorities to take immediate action, with a case being registered against the perpetrator at the Shahganj police station.

These reprehensible acts of violence underscore the deep-rooted social prejudices that persist in Indian society. They expose the vulnerability of Dalits and members of other marginalised communities are situated in and the urgent need for comprehensive measures to eradicate caste-based discrimination and ensure equality and justice for all.

Tragic Suicide of a 17-Year-Old Dalit Girl in Barabanki District, Uttar Pradesh

In a heart-wrenching incident, a 17-year-old Dalit girl from Barabanki district, Uttar Pradesh, took her own life. Reports suggest that the police’s alleged pressure on her family to settle a rape complaint they had filed against a neighbour, coupled with threats made by the accused, pushed her to such a tragic step.

Authorities have confirmed that the accused, also a member of the Dalit community, was injured during an altercation with the police. He had reportedly fired at the officers while being apprehended for the recovery of a buried weapon. Sub-inspector Yogendra Singh, the investigation officer responsible for the case, has been suspended pending a departmental inquiry into possible negligence.

The Baranki Police tweeted the following video of Superintendent of Police Dinesh Kumar Singh stating on camera that the necessary investigation will continue.

Dalit atrocities becoming the norm?  

According to the 2021 NCRB report, there was a stark 1.2% increase in crimes against Scheduled Castes (SCs) in 2021 compared to 2020. The total number of cases rose from 50,291 to 50,900.

Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh have the worst track record with cases related to violence against Dalits. In fact, Uttar Pradesh recorded the highest number of cases at 13,146, accounting for 25.82% of the total. Rajasthan had 7,524 cases (14.7%), followed by Madhya Pradesh with 7,214 cases (14.1%). Bihar and Odisha reported 5,842 (11.4%) and 2,327 (4.5%) cases, respectively. These five states accounted for most of the cases i.e., 70.8% of all cases of atrocities against SCs.



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