
Muslim Organizations appeal for peace, law and order before Ayodhya verdict

AIMPLB implores media organizations to not engage in rabble rousing and follow SC directives with relation to curbing the spread of communal hate

The Ayodhya land dispute verdict is just about ten days away from being announced. Keeping in mind the sensitivity of the situation, several Muslim organizations across the country have appealed the citizens to maintain peace and law and order once the judgment is delivered.

Since the hearing in the case has ended, many media organizations have come up with hate-inciting taglines and tweets for debates around the matter, in a bid to increase their TRPs. Some organizations like AajTak, have also been pulled up for not showing restrain, given the complex timing of the situation.

With regards to the same, on Tuesday, the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) released a statement asking media organizations to maintain restraint while reporting on the upcoming verdict.

In its official statement it said, ““We expect our vibrant media to follow and abide by the basic principles of neutrality and also consider the orders passed by Supreme Court to this effect and further follow the advisory issued by the self-regulating institution of media.”
It also referred to the several court orders and an advisory by the News and Broadcasting Standards Association (NBSA) and added the issue “must be reported in the press from a legal point of view without any adjective, personal opinion, prejudice, bias or emotional narrative in the garb of freedom of press.”

Citing instances of errant media channels and publications engaged in destroying communal harmony, it said, ““A large section of press, mainly electronic media, is involved in rabble rousing and propaganda. Such coverage may help in spreading hatred and animosity among the citizens of the country.”

The Jamaat e Islami Hind (Jamaat) in its statement said, “Jamaat wants the government to ensure that law and order situation remains under control and appealed to all citizens to cooperate with the authorities and desist from falling prey to provocation and emotional appeals to violence and arson”, reported The Wire.

According to a report by PTI, in a closed-door meeting convened by Navaid Hamid, president of the All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat, participants resolved to maintain peace and harmony at all cost after the verdict in the Ayodhya case.

The Ayodhya verdict is set to come out any time before November 17, the retirement day of Chief Justice of India (CJI) Ranjan Gogoi.

While the country waits with bated breath, and an uneasy calm spreads across the nation, everybody from the right-wing HindutvaRashtriyaSwayamsevakSangh (RSS), famous student bodies like the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) and other Muslim organizations have vowed to respect the apex court’s verdict and maintain brotherhood and harmony in the country.

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