Communal Organisations Communalism Politics Rule of Law Secularism Violence

Muslim policeman at duty beaten up and paraded in Maharashtra

Photo: Two Circles

Latur (Maharahstra): In an apparent display of anarchy, a Muslim policeman is beaten up badly and paraded in the streets by a mob in Pangaon town of Latur District in Maharashtra.
On Friday morning at around 9 am ASI Shaikh Yunus Pashamiya, 56, was surrounded by 200 men and beaten up by sticks after he was asked to hold saffron flag, parade and dance.
Maharashtra was celebrating Maratha warrior Shivaji’s birth anniversary on Friday due to which people were tying saffron flags in different areas.

As per sources, on Friday Pashamiya had restricted some men from tying saffron flags in certain sensitive areas sighting orders from superiors but people got angry due to such opposition and warned him of consequences.

Reportedly, Pashamiya was singled out from policemen and was beaten up brutally by the mob. Reports suggest that mob also tried to shave his beard off and was asked to make parade with saffron flag in his hands.

Name of one local ‘Chavan’ is making round on social media for being responsible of instigating the mob against Pashamiya.

One local told on condition of anonymity that mob targeted Pashamiya even though he was standing with his colleague ASI K Awaskar.
He is now recuperating at civil hospital in Latur. Family of Pashamiya could not be contacted for comment on the incident.

Meanwhile, Imtiaz Jaleel, MIM MLA from Aurangabad of Maharashtra twitted “Shocking: Muslim policeman beaten up/paraded on street with saffron flag in Latur village for doing his duty/ shame”.

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