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#NotInMyName a heartfelt cry with the Christians of Sri Lanka

When the Church blasts in Sri Lanka took place, I thought these were attacks of the New Zealand mosque kind. There had been reports about the threats on Sri Lankan religious minorities by the Budhist majoritarians. 

Sri lanka

I just read this report which says the responsibility has been claimed by the Islamic State and that it was their way of taking revenge on the New Zealand mosque attacks.

Seriously, Islamic state militants? Who are you taking revenge for? You and your Islamist predecessors are one of the major causes of Islamophobia all over the world (since 1979, you have been using Islam’s name to fight wars sometimes for America, sometime against America but always against the people!). You are one of the crucial partners in creating the refugee flood. You have killed the hopes of literally millions in your mad dance of blood and death! You are brutal, you are sick, you are blindly selfish and mindlessly destructive!

You killed them because they were Christians? You killed them because you wanted to make a point on an Easter morning??? You church bombers and the mosque attackers look the same, you think the same way, you are the same. Those killed, dismembered and terrorised in both these murderous attacks, they are the brothers and sisters.

As a human being, as the citizen of a neighbouring country, I completely oppose your blood thirst and war lust and as a Muslim, I disown you. Categorically. Point blank. Not in my name. Never in my name!

Know one thing: the Sri Lankans, the Christians, they are us!


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