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Only Donald Trump’s views matter in his administration: Spokesman

Anyone joining the Trump administration would have to leave their personal views behind and implement the vision and ideas of the President-elect, a top transition team member has said.

Donald Trump

“Regardless of someone, whether it is a staff member appointed or nominated or intended to be nominated, one of the things that always has to be remembered is that everybody who serves in a Trump administration will serve Donald Trump and Mike Pence and they will implement that vision and their ideas and no one else’s,” said Sean Spicer, Chief Strategist and Communication Director of the Republican National Committee.

“One point on all nominees, and I think this is important for people to recognise, is that anyone’s personal view is not what matters. You are serving the President-elect of the US and implementing his views,” Spicer told reporters on Friday.

Spicer was responding to questions on the past views and statements made by several of Trump’s appointees and nominations – the announcements for which have been made in the last few days.


Yesterday, Trump announced his intent to nominate Senator Jeff Sessions as his Attorney General, Lt Gen (rtd) Michael Flynn as National Security Adviser and Congressman Mike Pompeo as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Trump, before heading for Bedminster in New Jersey where he will spend his weekend, had two-hour meeting with the transition team headed by the Vice President-elect Mike Pence.

Today, Trump is slated to meet Mitt Romney, Republican party’s presidential candidate in 2012, General (rtd) James Mattis, Bob Woodson, who’s the founder and president of the Center for Neighbourhood Enterprises, Andy Puzder (a right wing commentator and fast food CEO), and investor Lew Eisenberg.

“These meetings that the President-elect is holding shows that he’s meeting with some of the best and the brightest and the most qualified people not only to fill specific roles within the administration but also to give advice and counsel on the policies and structure of how to best put together a team and enact a successful agenda.

“It also goes to the fact that Trump is not putting together meetings based on political affiliation or if they’ve supported him in the past. He’s bringing together a broad and diverse team to help come up with a number of different policies and procedures and specific team members to help move our country forward,” said Jason Miller, communication director of the Trump Transition Team.

The Transition team needs to fill up to 4,000 positions in the administration for which the team has received more than 51,000 resumes. Over 145,000 people have shared their story or idea on how to make America great again, Miller added.

Source: PTI

Courtesy: Janta ka Reporter

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