Gender Minorities Politics Women

Party didn’t allow me to speak against Triple Talaq Bill in Lok Sabha, says Congress MP Asrarul Haque

Just a day after the Congress party supported the hugely contentious Triple Talaq Bill in Lok Sabha, voices of dissent have started emerging from the party. Its lone Muslim MP from Hindi heartland, Maulana Mohammad Asrarul Haque Qashmi, has accused the party of not allowing him to speak against the Bill in the Parliament despite his insistence.

Voicing his strong opposition, Kishanganj MP said the Bill is against the Constitution, the ‘Shariat’ and women rights and said he wanted to vote against it but couldn’t reach the Parliament on time due to traffic jam. Maulana added that he is against party line on the issue and it should not be passed in Rajya Sabha.

A video of Qashmi’s statement shared on various social media platforms has drawn huge criticism for Congress which is trying hard to move away from the policy of minority appeasement. Twitter users questioned the party for silencing Muslim voices, called it a ‘lame excuse’and party’s ‘damage control mode’.

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The harshest criticism came from AIMIM Chief Asaduddin Owaisi who wrote on the micro blogging site, ‘May be Hazrat Maulana didn’t knew that the debate lasted for 3 hours but was “struck in traffic of Janedharu”politics’, referring a claim by Congress that its president Rahul Gandhi is a janeu-dhari Hindu.

Talking to, Asrarul Haque’s arch-rival AIMIM Bihar chief Akhtarul Iman questioned his silence on Triple Talaq Bill in Lok Sabha. He said his act has disturbed the ‘millat’ and termed it an ‘unforgivable political offence which must have troubled Maulana’s conscience’.

Tanzil Asif is founder of Main Media and tweets at @tnzl_

Congress MP Maulana Asrarul Haque’s arch-rival AIMIM Bihar chief @Akhtaruliman5 questions his silence on #TripleTalaqBill in Lok Sabha, says his act has troubled the ‘millat’, terms it an ‘unforgivable political offence’ @asadowaisi @TCNLive @kaaashif

— Tanzil Asif (@tnzl_) December 30, 2017

Courtesy: Two Circles

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